626B. The County Commissioners for Allegany County
are hereby directed, authorized and empowered to pay the
office expenses, including rent, stationery, printing, tele-
phone, stamps, necessary stenographic services and any
other expense that may be essential for the proper main-
tenance of the offices of the State's Attorney and Law
Assistant, and also any other expense necessary and inci-
dent to the maintenance and conduct of said offices as may
be, in their opinion, reasonable and proper; and the County
Commissioners shall levy for the same as expenses of the
State's Attorney's office. These bills must be presented
direct to the County Commissioners made out and sworn
to on the regular forms now in use by the County Commis-
sioners, and must be certified to by the State's Attorney,
and all false swearings in such reports and affidavits shall
be deemed perjury and punished as such.
626C. The said Law Assistant shall, under the direction
of the State's Attorney, assist in the duties and work in
and about the State's Attorney's office, including investiga-
tion and production of facts and evidence and the prepara-
tion of the State's cases.
626D. The said Law Assistant may appear before any
Police Magistrate of Cumberland and before any Trial Mag-
istrate or Justice of the Peace of the State, including Juve-
nile Magistrates or Courts, on behalf of the State, at the
direction of the State's Attorney.
626E. The said Law Assistant may, at the direction of
said State's Attorney, appear in any Circuit Court of the
State on behalf of the State; and he may also, at the direc-
tion of the State's Attorney, appear in any Court of any
State of the United States, including the District of Colum-
bia, on behalf of the State in any extradition hearing or
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any clause,
sentence, part or parts of this Act, or of any section thereof,
shall be held unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall
not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Act
or any section thereof. The Legislature hereby declares
that it would have passed the remaining parts of this Act,
or any section thereof, if it had known such clause, sen-
tence, part or parts of any section thereof should be deemed
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.
Approved May 26, 1941.