(a) To the Associated Professors of St. Mary's
Seminary of Baltimore City, the sum of Five Hundred Dol-
lars ($500.00).
(b) To the Little Sisters of the Poor, now at Val-
ley and Preston Streets, in the City of Baltimore, and State
of Maryland, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
(c) To the Sisters of Bon Secours, now at 2000
West Baltimore Street, in the City of Baltimore, and State
of Maryland, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
137. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and
Testament of Mamie M. C. Hyser, deceased, probated in
the Orphans' Court of Carroll County February 17, 1941,
and of record in the Office of the Register of Wills for Car-
roll County in Wills Liber H. G. B. No. 15, Folio No. 223,
etc., to wit:
(a) The income from a trust fund of One Thou-
sand Dollars ($1,000.00) to be paid to the Trustees of the
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, located in Taney-
town, Maryland.
(b) The income from a trust fund of Five Hun-
dred Dollars ($500.00) to be paid to the Consistory of Grace
Reformed Church, Taneytown, Maryland.
(c) The income from a trust fund of Two Hun-
dred Dollars ($200.00) to be paid to the Trustees of the
Cemetery of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ,
Taneytown, Maryland.
138. To title to the Douglas Memorial Community
Church, a body corporate, of the Church property con-
veyed by the Commonwealth Bank of Baltimore City to the
Cosmopolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, now the
Douglas Memorial Community Church, by deed dated the
1st day of February, 1929, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C.' L. No. 4969, Folio
No. 383.
139. To the devise and bequest to the Ministers Aid
Society of the Ohio Conference, Methodist Protestant
Church, contained in the Last Will and Testament of Imo-
gene P. Hunsdon, late of Talbot County, deceased, of record
in the Office of the Register of Wills for said County in Wills
Record, Liber J. D. S. No. 25, Folio No. 67.
140. To the legacy To the Scripture Gift Mission of 119
South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, contained
in the Last Will and Testament of Imogene P. Hunsdon,
late of Talbot County, deceased, of record in the Office of
the Register of Wills for said County in Wills Record, Liber
J. D. S. No. 25, Folio No. 67.