todian of voting machines at a salary of two thousand dollars
($2,000) per annum, three deputy custodians of voting ma-
chines at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800) each
per annum, a stenographer at a salary of twelve hundred dol-
lars ($1,200) per annum, and two typists at a salary of one
thousand dollars ($1,000) each per annum. After January
1, 1940, the Supervisors of Elections of the City of Baltimore
shall, in addition to the above mentioned employee, have ten
clerks at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800) each
per annum, and a stenographer at a salary of fifteen hundred
dollars ($1,500) per annum. Nothing in this section shall be
so construed as to prevent the said Board of Supervisors of
Elections from requiring any of the above mentioned employees
to perform such duties as the said Board may, in its discretion,
deem advisable. The said clerks, and in the City of Baltimore,
the chief clerk and the other employees above enumerated
shall be appointed by the respective boards of supervisors and
shall be removable by them in their discretion except that in
Baltimore City one of the registrars shall be appointed by the
members of the board who shall have been selected from the
political party opposite to that of the Governor, and shall be
removable by such member of the board in his discretion. In
Baltimore City, the Chief Clerk, with the approval of the su-
pervisors, shall from time to time, secure such temporary as-
sistants as may be necessary for the proper transaction of
the business of the office, but the compensation of such assist-
ants to be paid by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
upon requisition by the said supervisors shall not exceed the
sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) in any one year. In
Washington County the Supervisors of Elections shall appoint
a clerk who shall receive an annual salary of not less than six
hundred dollars ($600) per annum, which salary may be in-
creased by the County Commissioners in their discretion.
The clerk so appointed shall hold his office at the pleasure of
the Board of Supervisors of Elections, and shall be remov-
able by them in their discretion at any time. It shall be the
duty of the clerk in said county, with the approval of the Su-
pervisors of Elections, to secure such temporary assistants as
may be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of
the office, but the compensation of such assistants shall not
exceed the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) in any one
year. The salary of the clerk and the compensation of the
temporary assistants shall be payable by the County Commis-
sioners of Washington County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1939.
Approved May 27, 1939,