AN ACT to repeal Chapter 329 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland of 1918, and to authorize and empower
the Burgess and Council of Myersville, a municipal corpora-
tion of the State of Maryland, to construct, establish and
maintain a water supply system for the town of Myersville,
in Frederick County, Maryland; to acquire lands and interests
therein that might be necessary; to issue and sell bonds of
said town, not exceeding forty thousand dollars ($40, 000), to
pay for the same; and to levy and collect taxes, for the re-
demption and payment of said bonds and interest thereon,
with the provision that said bonds shall not be issued until a
sanction by the majority of the voters qualified to vote of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 329 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland of 1918 be and it is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That the Burgess and Coun-
cil of Myersville be and is hereby authorized and empowered
to construct, establish and maintain a water supply system in
and for the town of Myersville, in Frederick County, Maryland,
for the purpose of furnishing an adequate and proper supply
of water in said town for all private and municipal purposes.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Burgess and
Council of Myersville be and it is -hereby authorized and em:
powered to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, or by condemna-
tion in the manner now prescribed by law for the acquisition
of private property for public use, any and all lands or any
interests therein, within or without the corporate limits of the
said town of Myersville, which the said Burgess and Council
may deem necessary for the proper construction of said im-
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the purposes set
forth above, the Burgess and Council of Myersville is hereby
authorized and empowered, with the approval of the qualified
voters of said town as hereinafter provided, to issue the bonds
of said municipal corporation to an amount not exceeding the
sum of forty thousand dollars ($40, 000), in denominations of
five hundred dollars ($500) each, and each of said bonds shall
be sealed with the corporate seal, signed by the Burgess, and
countersigned by the Treasurer of the Council of said town, and
each of said bonds shall be payable thirty years after date to
bearer, redeemable, however, at the pleasure of said Burgess
and Council of Myersville, at any time after five years from