one year beginning on January first following such qualification:
Experts, 20 per cent; sharpshooters, gunners, drivers, and medi-
cal, first class, 15 per cent; marksmen, gunners, drivers, and
medical, second class, 10 per cent.
For all purposes of this section, officers and enlisted men of
the organized militia, who entered the military or naval service
of the United States in the Spanish-American or subsequent
wars, shall be entitled to credit for the time served in such serv-
ice as if the service had been rendered in the organized militia.
33. No body of men other than the units of the organized
militia and the troops of the United States, except such military
organizations as are now in existence, shall associate themselves
together as a military company or organization or parade in
public as a military company or organization without the per-
mission of the Governor.
No armed military force from another State, Territory or
District shall be permitted to enter the State for the purpose
of doing military duty therein, without the permission of the
Governor; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not
apply to troops acting under the authority of the President.
38. Members of the organized militia, or any part thereof,
ordered into the active military service of the United States
shall stand relieved from duty in the organized militia so long
as they shall remain in the active military service of the United
States. Upon the termination of any emergency for which mem-
bers of the organized militia, or any part thereof, have been
ordered into the active military service of the United States,
and upon being relieved from such active Federal service, all
members shall continue to serve in the organized militia; officers,
as if uninterrupted, and enlisted men until the dates upon which
their enlistments, entered into prior to their order to active
Federal service, would have expired, if uninterrupted.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commission-
ers for Frederick County to borrow a sum of money on the
credit of said county, in the amount of one hundred thou-
sand dollars ($100, 000. 00), and to issue and sell serial
coupon bonds therefor, of the par value of one hundred thou-