erick County, Maryland, is hereby authorized and empowered
to issue and sell bonds to an amount of money not exceeding
One hundred thousand ($100, 000. 00) dollars for the purpose
and under the conditions set forth in this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Brunswick, Frederick County, Maryland, is hereby
authorized to- prepare an ordinance or ordinances setting out
the purpose or purposes to which the proceeds from the sale
of bonds provided for under the terms of this Act shall be de-
voted, and which bonds the Mayor and Council of Brunswick,
Frederick County, Maryland, a municipal corporation, is here-
by authorized to make, execute and sell for the purpose of en-
larging, reconstructing, altering and improving the water works
system of said Town of Brunswick, with the power from time
to time to contract for, purchase, lease or hold in fee simple or
for a term of years, any real estate, right of way, easement,
water right, spring, brook, water and water course situated,
being or flowing through the State of Maryland or any State in
the United States, which they may deem expedient or neces-
sary for the purpose of conveying water into said town for the
use of said town, as well as for the purpose of reconstructing
any existing pipe line or reservoir, and for the purpose of lay-
ing any new or additional pipe lines, for the purchase of any
and all material necessary, and for the purpose of paying for
necessary labor, which they may deem expedient or necessary
for the purpose of improving or increasing the supply of
water in the Town of Brunswick, Frederick County, Maryland,
provided that the aggregate amount of the bonds to be issued
under this Act shall not exceed one hundred thousand ($100, -
000. 00) dollars.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Brunswick, in Frederick County, Maryland, is here-
by authorized and empowered to do all things necessary for
the issuance of any such bonds and their sale under the most
advantageous conditions, and it is authorized and required to
levy the necessary taxes upon the taxable property of the cor-
poration to provide for the payment of the interest on such
bonds, and to create a sinking fund for their payment upon
maturity, and it is authorized to do all other things in connec-
tion with the issuance, sale and payment of the bonds at ma-
turity and interest thereon, as it shall accrue (for the purpose
of enlarging, reconstructing, altering and improving the water