48. To the Deed from Mary H. Snyder to The Maryland
and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of God, dated May
20th, 1926, and recorded in Liber 174, folio 387, among the
Land Records of Washington County, Maryland.
49. To the Deed from Mary H. Snyder to The Maryland
and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of God, dated Oc-
tober 16th, 1928, and recorded in Liber 181, folio 391, among
the Land Records of Washington County, Maryland.
50. To the Deed from The Maryland and Virginia Elder-
ship of the Churches of God, of Hagerstown, Maryland, dated
November 8th, 1928, and recorded in Liber 181, folio 391,
among the Land Records of Washington County, Maryland.
51. To the Deed from Frank H. Snavely and Elsie B.
Snavely, his wife, to The First Church of God, of Hagers-
town, Maryland, dated October 1st, 1928, and recorded in
Liber 181, folio 392, among the Land Records of Washington
County, Maryland.
52. To the gift of five ground rents located in Baltimore
City, in the State of Maryland, to the Executive Committee
of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, a religious corporation, described and conveyed in a
Deed from the donor, Ellen Donnell Cordington Blair to
Executive Committee of Foreign Missions of the Presby-
terian Church in the United States, dated the 11th day of
April, 1930, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber S. C. L. No. 5108, folio 385, etc,
53. To the bequest contained in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of John IT. King of one-half of the proceeds from the
remainder of his estate to the Centennial M. E. Church, at
Brighton, Maryland; the said Will being dated March 31st,
1926, and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of
Montgomery County in Liber P. E. W. No. 9, folio 57.
54. To the Deed dated December 19th, 1866, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber J. H.
L. No. 52, folio 422, etc., by which there was granted and
conveyed by the Great Falls Iron Company and James Mus-
grove to Louis Freund et al., Trustees of the German Luth-
eran Presbyterian Church of Baltimore County (also known