(c) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars unto the
Priests in charge of Saint Mary's Catholic Church of Ha-
gerstown, Item 4 of Will.
(d) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars unto the
Notre Dame Sisters of Hagerstown, Item 5 of Will.
119. To the bequest of the sum of One Hundred Dollars
unto the Trustees of the Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of
Leitersburg, contained in the Last Will and Testament of
Fred Z. Heck, of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, deceased,
of record in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 223m one of the record
books in the office of the Register of Wills of Washington
120. To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars unto the
Trustees of the German Baptist Brethren Cemetery of
Welsh Run, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, as contained in
the Last Will and Testament of Frank T. Elliott, deceased,
of record in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 241, one of the record
books in the office of the Register of Wills of Washington
121. To the gift, upon the termination of a certain trust,
to the Washington County Home for Orphans and Friend-
less Children, as contained in the Last Will and Testament
of George Wiles Middlekauff, deceased, as of record in
"Wills" Liber 17, folio 244, one of the record books in the
office of the Register of Wills of Washington County.
122. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Mary Virginia Herbert, deceased, of rec-
ord in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 256, one of the record books
in the office of the Register of Wills of Washington County.
(a) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars unto the
Greenmount Cemetery Company, Baltimore, Maryland, Item
2 of Will.
(b) To the bequest of One Hundred Fifty Dollars unto
Rev. F. M. Bayley, Item 3 of Will.
(c) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars and the fur-
ther sum of Two Hundred Dollars unto Saint Paul's Meth-
odist Episcopal Church of Hagerstown, Item 5 of Will.
(d) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars each unto
Hagerstown Day Nursery, Inc., Hagerstown, Maryland, and
the Hagerstown Circle of King's Daughters, Inc., Item 7 of