of Beauty Culture, and to regulate the occupation of hair-
dressers and beauty culturists; to create a State Board
of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists for the examining
and licensing of persons engaged in or teaching such
practices; to secure the better education of such prac-
titioners; to provide rules regulating the proper conduct
and sanitation of hairdressing so as to prevent the spread
of contagious and infectious diseases; conferring powers
and duties upon said Board and providing for Appeals to
the Circuit Courts for the several Counties and to the
common law Courts of Baltimore City; and to provide
penalties for violations thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That 26 new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition) title. "Health, " said new sections to be
under sub-title "Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists, " to
be known as Sections 395 to 420, both inclusive, to follow
immediately after Section 394 of said Article and to read
as follows:
For the purpose of this Act, the following words or
phrases, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
(a) "Beauty Culture" includes any and all work done
for compensation by any person, which work is generally
and usually performed by so-called hairdressers, cosme-
tologists, cosmeticians, beauticians or beauty culturists and
demonstrators of beauty preparations or equipment, and
however denominated in so-called hairdressing and beauty
shops ordinarily patronized by women, which work is for
the embellishment, cleanliness and beautification of wom-
en's hair, such as arranging, dressing, curling, waving,
permanent waving, cleansing, cutting, singeing, arching of
eyebrows, dyeing of eyebrows and eyelashes, bleaching,
coloring, or similar work thereon and thereabout, and the
removal of superfluous hair, and the massaging, cleans-
ing, stimulating, exercising, or similar work upon the
scalp, face, arms or hands, by the use of mechanical or
electrical apparatus or appliances or cosmetics, prepara-
tions, tonics, antiseptics, creams or lotions or by any other
means, and of manicuring the nails of either sex, which
enumerated practices shall be inclusive of the term beauty
culture but not in limitation thereof.
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