revenue bonds and from the collection of tolls and other
bridge revenues derived under the provisions of this sub-
title, shall have authority to accept from any Federal
agency grants for or in aid of the construction of the bridge,
or the payment of the bonds, and to receive and accept
contributions of either money or property or other things
of value, to be held, used, and applied only for the purposes
for which such grants or contributions may be made.
64AA, Competing Bridges and Ferries. So long as any
bonds issued hereunder remain outstanding, no bridge for
the use of the traveling public shall hereafter be construct-
ed and operated by any county, municipal corporation or
political subdivision of the State, or by any person, co-
partnership, association, or corporation, and no franchise
shall hereafter be granted for the operation of a ferry,
within fifteen miles of the location of the bridge authorized
under this sub-title.
The Commission is hereby authorized to acquire by pur-
chase or by condemnation in the manner hereinabove pro-
vided, and to maintain and operate, all or any ferries then
being operated within ten miles of the location which shall
be selected for the bridge, and the cost of such ferry or
ferries shall be deemed for the purpose of this sub-title
to be a part of the cost of the bridge. Nothing herein con-
tained shall require the Commission to maintain or operate
any ferry or ferries acquired hereunder but in the discre-
tion of the Commission any ferry or ferries so acquired,
with the appurtenances and property thereto connected
and belonging, may be sold or otherwise disposed of or may
be abandoned or dismantled whenever in the judgment of
the Commission it may seem expedient so to do. The Com-
mission may fix such rates of tolls for the use of such
ferry or ferries as it may deem proper, subject to the same
conditions as are hereinabove required as to tolls for traf-
fic over such bridge. All tolls collected for the use of the
ferry or ferries and the proceeds of any sale or disposition
of any ferry or ferries shall be used as far as may be nec-
essary, to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and op-
erating the same, and any residue thereof shall be paid
into the sinking fund hereinabove provided for the bonds.
64BB. Powers Cumulative. The powers and duties of
the Commission hereinabove enumerated in this sub-title
shall not be construed as a limitation of the general pow-
ers or duties of said Commission. It shall be the duty of
the Commission, in addition to the powers and duties enum-
erated in this sub-title, to do and perform any and all