To two small strips of ground purchased by the Lutheran
Church of the Holy Comforter, Baltimore, for church property.
(a) Beginning for the same on the south side of Harwood
Ave. (as widened) at the distance of one hundred and sixty-
five feet east from the southeast corner of York Road and Har-
wood Avenue, said place of beginning being at the end of the
first line of the first lot of ground, which by deed dated July 1,
1927, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 4762, folio 257, was granted and con-
veyed by Jesse Slingluff et al., Trustees to the Maryland Home
Building Co., Inc., and running thence binding on the south
side of Harwood Avenue north eighty-six degrees twenty-three
minutes east one hundred and forty-eight feet four and one-half
inches, more or less, to the northernmost outline of the lot
of ground which by deed dated March 30th, 1912, and re-
corded among the land records of Baltimore County in Liber
W. P. C. No. 394, folio 105, was granted, together with the
buildings and improvements thereupon, and the rights alleys
ways waters privileges appurtenances and advantages to the
same belonging or in anywise appertaining.
(b) Beginning for the same on the south side of Harwood
Avenue, as now laid out, at the distance of one hundred and
eighty-five feet east of York Road, and running thence east-
erly binding on the south side of Harwood Avenue eight feet,
thence southerly one hundred and forty-nine feet six inches,
thence westerly eight feet thence northerly one hundred and
forty-eight feet four and one-half inches to the place of begin-
ning, being part of the lot of ground described in a deed from
Jesse Slingluff et al., Trustees, to the Maryland Home Building
Company, Incorporated, dated first day of July, 1927, and
recorded among the land records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 4762, folio 257, together with the buildings and
improvements thereupon erected, made or being, and all, and
every the rights, alleys, ways, waters, privileges, appurtenances
and advantages to the same belonging or in anywise apper-
To Oblate Sisters of Providence bequest of $500. 00 under
the will of Harriet Julia Bennet which will is recorded in the
Office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Record of
Wills, E. R. D. 157, folio 503.
To the grant and deed executed by Isaac Polansky and Dora
Polansky, hist wife, and Nathan Galvansky and Eva Galvan-
sky, his wife, to the Beth Isaac Congregation, a body corporate;