To the deed executed by Henry D. Goetz to Fountain Bap-
tist Church of Baltimore City, Incorporated, a body corporate
of the State of Maryland, dated January 4th, 1928, and re-
corded among the land records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 4833, folio 53, of three lots of ground in Baltimore
City, State of Maryland.
To the deed executed by Howard O. Firor to The Benedic-
tine Society of Baltimore City, a body corporate of the State
of Maryland dated October 4th, 1927, and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 4797,
folio 1, of two lots of ground in Baltimore City, State of Mary-
To the deed from James J. S. Donnell and William Don-
nell and wife to The Redemptorists, a body corporate of the
State of Maryland, dated April 4th, 1874, and recorded among
the land records of Baltimore City in Liber G. R. No. 652,
folio 12, of four lots of ground in Baltimore City, State of
Maryland, and also to the holding and disposing of said prop-
erty by the said The Redemptorists a body corporate of the
State of Maryland.
To the lease from The Redemptorists, a body corporate of
the State of Maryland, to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Baltimore and his successors, a corporation sole of the State
of Maryland, dated January 3, 1871, and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore City in Liber G. R. No. 531, folio
426, of two lots of ground in Baltimore City, State of Mary-
land and also to the holding and disposing of said property by
said The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore and his suc-
cessors a corporation sole of the State of Maryland,
To the deed from The Redemptorists, a body corporate of
the State of Maryland, to The Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Baltimore and his successors a corporation sole of the State of
Maryland, dated December 23, 1882, and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore City in Liber R. T. A. No. 951,
folio 110, of two lots of ground in Baltimore City, State of
Maryland, and also to the holding and disposing of said prop-
erty by the said The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore
and his successors, a corporation sole of the State of Maryland.
To the deed from The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bal-
timore, a. corporation sole of the State of Maryland to The
Benedictine Society of Baltimore City, a body corporate of the
State of Maryland, dated June 27th, 1884, and recorded among