nue to the intersection of Eastern Avenue and Middle River
Road; thence northwesterly along the Middle River Road to
the intersection of Middle River Road and the Philadelphia
Road; thence northeasterly along Philadelphia Road to the in-
tersection of Philadelphia Road and Bucks Schoolhouse Road;
thence along Bucks Schoolhouse Road in a general northwesterly
direction to a point that is 1/2 mile southeast of and at a right
angle to the Belair Turnpike; thence northeasterly along a gen-
eral straight line parallel to and 1/2 mile east of the Belair
Turnpike to intersect the Gunpowder Falls; thence northwest-
erly following along the center line of the Gunpowder Falls to
a point that is 1/2 mile at a right angle to the Belair Turn-
pike; thence southwesterly along a general straight line 1/2
mile west of and parallel to the Belair Turnpike to intersect
the Joppa Road; thence westerly along the Joppa Road to a
point 1/2 mile east of and at a right angle to the Harford Turn-
pike, thence northeasterly along a general straight line 1/2 mile
east of and parallel to the Harford Turnpike for a distance of
1 and 1/4 miles; thence northwesterly in a straight line and at
right angles to the last described boundary line a distance of
1 mile; thence southwesterly at right angles to the last described
line and running along a general straight line parallel to and
1/2 mile west of Harford Turnpike for a distance of 1 and 3/8
miles; thence turning in a westerly direction and along a straight
line to a point where Oakleigh Avenue is intersected by the
Cromwell Bridge Road; thence southwesterly along Cromwell
Bridge Road to the point where Cromwell Bridge Road is in-
tersected by Cowpens Avenue; thence northwesterly along
Cowpens Avenue to the Point where Cowpens Avenue is inter-
sected by Providence Road, thence northwesterly in a straight
line to the intersection of Dulaney Valley Pike and Pots Spring
Road; thence in a straight line running northwesterly to a point
on Cinder Road 1/2 mile east of York Turnpike; thence north-
westerly in a straight line to the intersection of York Turnpike
and Western Run Turnpike; thence turning sharply to the
southeast and running in a straight line to the intersection
formed by Texas Road; Falls Road and Broadway Road; thence
in a westerly direction along Broadway Road for a distance of
1 and 5/8 miles to a fork in said road; thence following the
upper branch of said fork for a distance of 1/4 mile to the
point of intersection between said fork and Lower Dover Road;
thence northwesterly along Dover Road to the fork formed by
the intersection of Dover Road and Caves Road; thence in a
general southwesterly direction along Caves Road to Garrison-
Forrest Road; thence northwesterly along Garrison-Forrest
Road for a distance of 1 and 1/8 miles to the point where the
Garrison-Forrest Road is intersected by a road running west-
erly and connecting with Bonita Avenue; thence northwesterly