ghenny River below Swallow Falls in Garrett County the open
season for rainbow trout shall be between the 1st day of July
and the 30th day of November, both dates inclusive.
It shall be lawful to set out-line or trot-line or lines; how-
ever, no person in setting or using same shall place more than
25 hooks to any one line.
It shall be unlawful for any person to take in any one day
more than 10 trout, or bass of any species above any point
where the tide ebbs and flows.
Provided, further, that if any person is found with a gig or
gig iron and a light or lights in his or her possession in or near
any of the waters of this State, above a point where the tide
ebbs and flows, it shall be prima facie evidence that same was
in possession for the purpose of violating this section.
Sec. 65. Trespass Upon Land to Fish in Privately Owned
Ponds Prohibited—Proviso—Penalty. Whenever any person
who owns, controls or erects an artificial pond upon his own
land, or land of which he is in legal possession, shall put therein
any fish or the eggs or spawn of fish for the purpose of breed-
ing and cultivating fish, and shall give notice thereof either in
one or more newspapers of the county, or by written or printed,
handbills put up in public places near said pond, any person
who thereafter enters upon such premises, without the consent
of the owner, for the purpose of fishing, or shall catch in said.
pond or ponds, and take therefrom any fish, shall be guilty of a
trespass and in addition thereto, shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon conviction thereof before any justice of the
peace in this State shall be fined not less than $25. 00 nor more
than $100. 00 for each and every offense, and shall stand com-
mitted to the county jail or Baltimore City jail until such
fine and costs are paid.
Sec. 66. Private Propagation of Game Fish. Any person
or company engaged in the increase of Brook Trout or Bass by
artificial process (known as fish culture) may take from his or
their pond or ponds in any way, and cause to be transported
and may sell any Brook Trout or Bass and the spawn of Brook
Trout or Bass at any time; and common carriers may transport
them, and dealers may sell them on condition that the packages
thereof so transported are accompanied by a certificate from a
justice of the peace, certifying that such trout or bass are sent
by the owners or agents or parties so engaged in fish culture;