Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
A Further Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act to straighten and
amend the public Roads in Harford County, and for other purposes.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Tobias E. Stansbury, John Buck and
Benjamin Gatch, be appointed commissioners, to examine and survey all that part or portion of
the location of the road laid out under the aforesaid laws, leading from the city of Baltimore to
Belle-Air, which passes through the lands belonging to the devisees of Harry D. Gough, late of Bal-
timore county, deceased, situate on the north side of the main falls of Gunpowder; and the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised to make such alterations in
the course of said road, within the lands aforesaid, as to them it shall seem expedient and right, if
'any they should deem necessary.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a plot be returned to the county court of Baltimore as an evidence
of such alteration, if any be made, and that all the expenses attending the same be defrayed by James
Carroll, the present possessor of said lands, and petitioner for such alteration.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT annulling the Marriage of Mary Walker, of Worcester
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of Mary Walker, and,
Memucan Walker her husband, heretofore solemnized, be, and the same is hereby declared to
be, absolutely, and to all purposes, null and void; and the said Mary Walker, and Memucan Wal-
ker her husband, are hereby declared to be divorced a vinculo matrimonii; provided always, that
nothing in this act contained be construed to illegitimate the children of the said Mary Walker and
Memucan Walker born prior to the passage of this act.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the relief of Thomas Carnan, of the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that Thomas Carnan, of the city of Baltimore,
has been confined in Baltimore county gaol for upwards of the space of ten months last past,
having been, on the second Monday of January, eighteen hundred and nine, tried and convicted of
having begotten au illegitimate male child on the body of Elizabeth Daffell; that he was then committed
to the gaol of Baltimore county, where he hath since remained for want of security to indemnify the
county for any charge that might accrue for the maintenance of said child, as the act of assembly re-
quires; and the said petitioner being an old and poor man, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Thomas Carnan be and he
is hereby released from all further confinement from Baltimore county gaol, for having begotten said
illegitimate child, and the sheriff of Baltimore county is hereby authorised to discharge the said
Thomas Carnan from all further confinement for the case aforesaid.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT annulling the Marriage of Josephine Changeur, of the City
of Baltimore.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of Josephine Changeur,
and Lean Changeur her husband, heretofore solemnized, be, and the same is hereby declared
to be, absolutely, and to all intents and purposes, null and void; and the said Josephine Changeur,
and Lean Changeur her husband, are hereby declared to he divorced a vinculo matrimonii; provided
always, that nothing in this act contained be construed to illegitimate the children of the said Jose-
phine Changeur and Lean Changeur, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT annulling the Marriage of Thomas Warner and Ruth War-
ner, of the City of Baltimore.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of the said Thomas
Warner and Ruth Warner, heretofore solemnized, be, and the same is hereby declared to be,
absolutely, and to all intents and purposes, null and void; and the said Thomas Warner and Ruth