AN ACT to add two new sections to Article 10 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Dorchester County, "
sub-title "Roads, " said new sections to be known as Sections
279-E and 279-F, and to follow immediately after Section
279-D of said Article as enacted by Chapter 514 of the Acts
of 1914, giving power to the County Road Engineer, upon
his own authority, or upon direction of the County Com-
missioners of Dorchester County, whenever it shall be
deemed necessary, to close the roads of said County, which
are not under the control and supervision of the State Roads
Commission, to traffic, under certain conditions and with
certain exceptions and providing penalties for the violation
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland^ That two new sections be and they are hereby added
to Article 10 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Dorchester County, " sub-title "Roads, " said new sec-
tions to be known as Sections 279-E and 279-F, to follow im-
mediately after Section 279-D of said Article as enacted by
Chapter 514 of the Acts of 1914, and to read as follows:
279-E. The County Road Engineer of Dorchester County,
upon his own authority, or upon direction of the County Com-
missioners of said County, during the months; of January,
February and March, shall order any of the County roads
of said County, which are not under the control and supervi-
sion of the State Roads Commission, closed to all traffic except
passenger vehicles carrying not more than seven persons or
one thousand pounds in weight, vehicles run upon rails or
tracks, police vehicles, fire engines or fire trucks, and vehicles
provided for the transportation of school children, at such
times and for such periods of time as in his or their judgment,
as the case may be, said road or roads are in condition to be
susceptible to unreasonable damage. The County Road Engi-
neer shall post a suitable sign or signs on such road or roads
as may be determined upon, clearly displaying proper notice
of the closing of such road or roads as herein provided, and
when, in the judgment of the County Commissioners, or of
the County Road Engineer, said road or roads are again in
condition for general use, said sign or signs shall be removed
by said County Road Engineer.