selected by the State Roads Commission, in its discretion, and
in such manner as the said Commission may determine, and
the same rights and powers are hereby conferred upon the said
State Roads Commission in connection with the said work as
are possessed by said Commission in connection with the build-
ing of roads.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the State Roads
Commission is hereby authorized and directed to ask for bids
and enter into contracts in the usual form for the construc-
tion of such bridges as it may from time to time under the
provisions hereof determine to construct, said contracts to be
made in the name of the State Roads Commission, and to con-
tain the same provisions now required by law for contracts
for roads.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of the several Counties of the State, and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore are hereby respectively directed
to levy State taxes for the year 1928 at nine one-hundredths
(9/100) of one cent on each one hundred dollars ($100) of
assessable property; for the year 1929 at seventeen one hun-
dredths (17/100) of one cent on each one hundred dollars
($100) of assessable property; for the year 1930 at thirty
one hundredths (30/100) of one cent on each one hundred dol-
lars ($100) of assessable property; for the year 1931 and an-
nually thereafter to and including the year 1943 at forty-one
one hundredths (41/100) of one cent on each one hundred
dollars ($100) of assessable property, to be collected accord-
ing to law, to meet the interest on the amount of said certifi-
cates outstanding and also to meet and redeem so much of the
principal in each of said years as will be represented by certifi-
cates redeemable in each year, respectively, as herein specified
in Section 2 of this Act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That this Act is an
emergency law and necessary for the immediate preservation
of the public health and safety, and having been passed, by a
yea and nay vote by three-fifths of all the members elected to
each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, the same
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 11, 1927.