AN ACT to repeal Sections 381 and 382 of Article 27 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Crimes and Punish-
ments, " sub-title "Minors—Employment of, to Handle
Liquors, "
AN ACT to add a new Article to the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1924 Edition), to be known as Article 49-1, "In-
terracial Commission, " and to follow immediately after Ar-
ticle 49, establishing a permanent Interracial Commission.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new Article be and the same is hereby added
to the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), to be
known as Article 49-1, "Interracial Commission, " to follow
immediately after Article 49, and to read as follows:
1. There shall be a permanent Interracial Commission,
which shall consider questions concerning the welfare of col-
ored people residing in the State of Maryland, recommend
legislation and sponsor movements looking to the welfare of
said people, and to the improvement of interracial relations,
and to co-operate with other State agencies to these ends.
Said Commission shall consist of the State Superintend-
ent of Public Instruction and eighteen members equally
divided between the white and colored races, including a white
chairman. All members shall be appointed by the Governor
with the advice and consent of the Senate, except that the
members first appointed under this Act shall be appointed by
the Governor alone and their terms of office shall begin on
September 1, 1927. The members of said Commission shall
hold office for six years, provided that those appointed under
this Act shall be so classed by the Governor that the terms of
office of six shall expire on the first Monday of May, 1928,