41BB, 41CC, 41DD, 41EE, 41FF, 41GG, 41HH, 41-II, 41JJ,
41KK, 41LL, 41MM, 41NN, 41-OO, 41PP, 41QQ, 41RR,
41SS, 41TT, 41UU, 41VV, 41WW, 41XX and 41YY, and to
follow immediately after Section 41A of said Article, as the
same was added by Chapter 477 of the Laws of 1912, said
new sections providing for the purchase of a farm by Gar-
rett County and the establishment and maintenance thereon
of a county home for the poor and other persons who are
public charges of the said County, and referring the ques-
tion to the voters of Garrett County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That 25 new sections be and they are hereby added to
Article 12 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Garrett County, " to be under a new sub-title entitled "County
Home and County Farm, " said new sections to be known as
Sections 41AA, 41BB, 41CC, 41DD, 41EE, 41FF, 41GG, 41HH,
41-II, 41JJ, 41KK, 41LL, 41MM, 41NN, 41-OO, 41PP, 41QQ,
41RR, 41SS, 41TT, 41UU, 41VV, 41WW, 41XX and 41YY, to
follow immediately after Section 41A of said Article, as the
same was added by Chapter 477 of the Laws of 1912, and to
read as follows:
41AA. The County Commissioners of Garrett County be
and they are hereby authorized, empowered and instructed to
purchase a farm in Garrett County, not exceeding three hun-
dred acres in extent, to build thereon, if there be not such a
building standing thereon, a building of a size sufficient in their
judgment to house all the persons who are public charges of the
said County.
41BB. The building so built or if it be not necessary to
erect a building thereon, the building standing thereon shall
be known as the "County Home, " and the farm shall be known
as the "County Farm. "
41CC. The County Commissioners of Garrett County are
further authorized, empowered and instructed to erect on the
said farm such outbuildings, fences, etc., as in their judgment,
are necessary for such a farm and home and to equip and fur-
nish the said farm and home with such equipment, furniture,
farming implements, live stock and foodstuffs as they deem
41DD. The County Commissioners aforesaid shall maintain
and supervise the management of the County Home and the