cle 23 of Bagby's Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Corpo-
rations, " sub-title "Condemnation of Property by Corpora-
tions, " any lands or any interests therein in said town of Pres-
ton, which may be needed for the establishment, construction
or maintenance of said waterworks.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Commission-
ers of Preston shall have power and authority and are hereby
required to levy all necessary taxes upon the assessed property
within the said town, not exceeding the rate of taxation fixed
in the Charter of said town, as the same may be, or may from
time to time be amended, for the purpose of paying the interest
on said bonds, and also for paying the principal thereof.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Commission-
ers of Preston be and they are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to install meters for the measurement of water
supplied from said waterworks; and the charge for water or
water rents shall be fixed by the Commissioners of Preston but
flat rates may be established.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That at the regular
town election to be held in April, 1924, there shall be sub-
mitted to the voters of the town of Preston the question whether
or not the said bonds shall be issued and upon the ballots to be
used at said town election there shall be printed or written the
words "For Water Bonds" and "Against Water Bonds, " and
if a majority of the votes cast upon said question shall be "For
Water Bonds, " then the Commissioners of the town of Preston
shall exercise the power vested in them by this Act and shall
issue the bonds authorized by this Act; but if a majority of
the votes cast upon said question shall be "Against Water
Bonds, " the power shall not be exercised or the bonds issued,
but the question shall again be submitted to the voters of the
town of Preston at the regular town election to be held in
April, 1925, in the same form as provided for the election in
April, 1924, and if a majority of the votes cast on said ques-
tion shall be "For Water Bonds, " then the Commissioners of
said town shall exercise the power vested in them by this Act
and issue the bonds authorized by said Act, but if a majority
of the votes cast on said question shall be "Against Water
Bonds, " the power aforesaid shall not be exercised. The Com-
missioners of Preston shall, however, have the power to submit
the question at succeeding regular town elections until a ma-
jority of the votes cast on said question shall be "For Water