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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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To regulate the selling, weighing or measuring of hay, wood,
coal, coke and all other articles sold by weight or measure, and
to provide for their inspection and sealing.

To authorize and require the inspection and licensing of
steam boilers and elevators, and to prohibit their use when un-
safe or dangerous or without license.

To define fire limits in such city and the character of buildings
which are forbidden to be erected within such limits, and to
prohibit the erection of buildings in such city without a license
first obtained therefor, and to regulate the construction of build-
ings to prevent the spread of fire.

To authorize and require the inspection of buildings and
structures erected, or to be erected, or in progress of erection;
to cause the license therefor to be revoked and the condemnation
thereof in whole or in part when dangerous or insecure in the
opinion of the building committee, or such person as the said
Council may appoint to inspect the same, and to require the
same to be taken down within a specified time by the owner there-
of, or in default thereof to require the same to be taken down at
the said owner's expense, or in case of an emergency, to require
the same to be taken down by such person as the Council may
appoint without delaying for the owner to do so. This power to
include authority to tear down buildings or parts of buildings
rendered dangerous by fire or other catastrophe.

To regulate the location, size, character and cost of all build-
ings to be erected, and to provide such regulations by ordinance.

To compel persons about to undertake dangerous improve-
ments to execute bond with sufficient sureties, conditioned that
the owner or contractor will pay all damages which may be sus-
tained by any person or property from such work.

To make all regulations which may be deemed expedient for
the promotion of health or suppression of disease.

To regulate the construction of chimneys, smokestacks, hearths,
ovens, the erection of stoves and stovepipes, boilers, and appar-
atus used in buildings or other places, and cause the same to be
removed or made secure, when considered dangerous: to compel
owners and occupants of houses and buildings to make scuttles
on the roof thereof with stairs or ladders leading to the same and
to compel the erection of fire-escapes.

To authorize and require the inspection of gas pipes, water
pipes, plumbing, drainage, sewage and electric lines or wires on
private property or elsewhere: to compel them to be repaired
or made secure by the owner or occupant, and on failure of such
owner or occupant to do so. to authorize or require the gas or


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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