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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1364   View pdf image (33K)
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27 To a deed and conveyance from Harry W. Miller et ux
to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Ad-
ventists, conveying a portion of lots one and two, block three
of the Gilbert Addition to Takoma Park, as per deed recorded
among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in
Liber 332, at folio 200.

28 To a deed and conveyance from Fred L. Glaize, et ux to
the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Advent-
ists conveying lots numbered seven and ten in block fifty-three
of the B. F. Gilbert Addition to Takoma Park, as per deed
recorded among the land records of Montgomery County, Md.,
in Liber 334, at folio 103.

29 To a gift and devise from Fremont Hartson, deceased,
to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Advent-
ists, devising three acres in Brandywine District, Prince
George's County, Maryland, by the last will and testament of
the said Fremont Hartson, duly filed among the records of
the Register of Wills of Prince George's County, Maryland.

30 To the sale and conveyance by Carlos C. Jennings and
and John Samuel Taylor to the Unity Baptist Church, Incor-
porated, of Baltimore City, of the leasehold property Num-
ber 404 East 22i Street, Baltimore, Md., by deed dated No-
vember 19th, 1923, recorded in the land records of Baltimore
City in Liber SCL, 4107, folio 457.

31 To the following bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Miss Margaret Janet Williams, late of Fred-
erick County, Maryland, deceased, duly probated, and now of
record in Liber AMP, No. 1, folio 549.

First: To the bequest of Two thousand dollars to the Fred-
erick, Presbyterian Church of Frederick, Maryland, in memory
of her grandmother Janet Williams.

Second: To the bequest of Two thousand dollars to the Ves-
try of All Saint's Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church
of Frederick County, Maryland.

32 To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of Sarah E. Haslup, of $300. to the Trustees of the Grace M. E.
Church South, of Savage, Maryland, same being recorded in
the Register of Wills Office of Howard County, November 13,

33 To a deed and conveyance made by George Myer to
The Ateresh Chvee Anshi Kovino Congregation, Incorporated,


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1364   View pdf image (33K)
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