poration against whom they may be levied, and the taxes for
each year are payable on the first day of July next succeeding
the levy thereof, and will be in arrears and subject to interest
at the rate of six per cent, from and after the first day of
October next succeeding the levy thereof. Provided however,
that in the year 1924 the said taxes shall become payable on the
first day of August and shall be in arrears from and after the
first day of November, 1924. It shall be the duty of the Clerk
of the said town as soon as said taxes are payable to give
notice by advertisement in one newspaper published in the
County and proceed to the collection of said taxes in compli-
ance with the laws for collection of taxes enacted by the State
Legislature for the collection of State and County taxes in
Prince George's County. Provided, that no tax, assessment,
license or permit shall be levied or charged by the Mayor and
Town Council except as are provided for in this charter.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council shall have full power to control and protect public
property owned by the Town of Colmar Manor, whether within
or outside of said town.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That no ordinances
passed by the Mayor and Council shall go into effect until
after the expiration of thirty days after its passage, unless
otherwise provided by the laws of this State. If within thirty
days from the date of its passage, a petition protesting against
it, signed by one-third as many voters as voted at the last
town election, shall be filed with the town Clerk, such ordi-
nance shall be suspended, and the Mayor and Council shall
reconsider it, and if it be not repealed the Mayor and Council
shall submit it to a vote of the voters of said town at the next
election; provided, however, that if the next election shall
occur more than ninety days thereafter, the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall call a special election for the purpose of deciding
whether such proposed ordinance shall become operative or
repealed by a majority of the votes cast at this election.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the citizens of the proposed town of
Colmar Manor desire to incorporate, there shall be held an
election on the first Monday in June, 1954. Messrs. Frank
N. Greenip, R. D. Yost and Raymond N. Moreland are here-
by appointed a committee for the purpose of holding said elec-
tion and declaring the result thereof. Not less than ten days