Snyder Peter, tailor, 36 Regester
Snyder Peter, street grader, 112 n Bond
Snyder Waller, blacksmith, 215 s Bond
Snyder Wendall, tavern, 182 e Madison
Snyder Wm., butcher, 437 Penn. avenue
Snyder Wm., city bailiff, 52 s Eutaw, office, 5
Snyder Wm., watchman, 201 Vine
Smyth Wm., laborer, 155 Regester
Sourd James, tavern keeper, 73 Harrison
Socks Frederick, 40 n Paca
Socks John, tailor, 80 Center Market
Sodan Wm., cabinet maker, Baker's court
Sohl Adam H., cabinet maker, 240 Sharp
Soldan Adam, cabinet maker, 139 Harford av
Solden Wm., cabinet maker, 13 Baker's court
Solenback Wm., grocer and liquor, 100 n Bond
Soll Conrad, wheelwright, 759 Baltimore
Sollers Basil D., lime, grain and feed deal, 116
Dugan's whf. dw 319 e Pratt
Sollers Benjamin F., blacksmith, 103 Vine
Sollers Charles, drayman, 145 Welcome alley
Sollers John, blacksmith, 34 Rock
Sollers Thos. O , city auditor, 218 e Baltimore,
office City Hall
Solomon Edward, tavern keeper, 158 Light
Solomon Edward J., sail maker, h 91 Gough
Solomon Eliza, 26 s Ann
Solomon George F., 333 w Lombard
Solomon Isaac, 50 s Spring
Solomon Moses, cabinet maker, 94 Low
Solomon Moses, dry goods deal., 177 Franklin
Solomon (Wm.) & Miskimmon (Thos.) sail
makers, 130 Dugan's whf.
Solomon Wm. F., 7 Holland
Solskorn Henry, piano maker, 3 State
Solter Christian, shoemaker, 64 Orleans
Solze Caroline C , milliner, 508 w Baltimore
Solze John A., shoe tool maker, and findings
dealer, 5 Cheapside, h 508 w Baltimore
Between Lombard and Water Streets,
Solzner Christopher, laborer, 20 Calender
Somenleiter John, grocery and liquor dealer, 28
Guilford alley
Someuligar John M., blacksmith, 382 s Charles
Somen Henri, dry goods deal., 119 n Caroline
Somerville James., painter, 67 Saratoga, h 297
Somerville Wm., agricultural implement man-
ufacturer, 139 Cross
316 SPA
Sommer Andrew, laborer, 100 Lancaster
SOMMER JOHN, watchmaker, 273 s Bond
Sommer Jacob, coach maker, 39 s Howard
Sondheimer Samuel, 3 Orleans
Sonnchill Lew , tailor and clothier, 6 C. market
Sonneborn Lewis, tailor and scourer, 273 w Pratt
Sonneborn Henry, clothier, 310 w Pratt, h 77
Souneborn Jonas, (S. Bro.) 77 Camden
SONNEBORN (Jonas) BRO. (Lewis) whole-
sale clothiers, 50 s Howard
Sonneborn George, tailor, 186 s High
Sonneborn Lewis, (S. Lewis) h 273 Pratt
Sons Christian, weaver, 340 Mulberry
Soope John, tavern keeper, 166 s Eutaw
Sop Henry, watchman, 204 s Wolf
Soper Edward, (S. J. S. & Co.) h 10 Hollins
Soper Saml. J. & Co. auctioneers, 42 s Charles
h S. J. S. 27 Hollins
Sopluihterer Sol., dry goods dealer, 273 n Gay
Soran Chs., editor, next corner High & Fayette
Soran John, cabinet chairmaker, 125 s Bond, h
127 Bond
Soratues Louis, currier, 91 n Front
Sorg Charles, baker, 435 w Pratt
Sorg Wm., cabinet maker, 54 German
Sorgeler Frederick, baker, 167 e Fayette
Sorgler, Augustus, currier, 11 High alley
Sork Christian, 275 Eastern avenue
Sork John T., pattern maker, 459 w Lombard
Sorrell Henry, drayman, 86 Henrietta
Sorter Daniel, carpenter, 385 Lexington
Sorter John, boot maker, 385 Lexington
Soubiron Albert, pattern maker, 104 Franklin,
h 136 Ross
Souder Conrad, 160 s Spring
Soule Jacob, laborer, 57 Chapel
Sourman Frederick, Port st, Canton
Southcomb Alex., tobacconist, 127 5 Broadway
Southcomb Carey, printer, 370 Gay
Southerd Joseph, machinist, 769 Chesnut
Southcomb Peter H., wire weaver, 8 Holliday,
h 179 Chesnut
Southcomb Elizabeth, 131 s Bond
Southern and Western land and immigrant Co,
office 38 w Fayette, John I. Gross, Sec'y.
Southern John, 223 Aisquith
Southgate Walter F., 19 n High
Southgate Robert O., grocer 438 Lexington
Soutnar Michael, 35 Fountain
Sower Christian, weaver 340 Mulberry
Sower John junk dealer, 31 Philpot
Sower Henry, laborer, 92 Dolphin
Sowers Charlotte, 506 w Pratt
Shrages Henry, 131 s Greene
Sowers John, tailor, 31 Philpot alley
Sowers George, 325 Pennsylvania avenue
Spack Conrad, laborer, 202 Bethel
Spack John F., barber, 388 Penn. avenue
Spade Martin, tailor, 108 s Wolf
Spalding Basil R. & Co., grain and tobacco com-
mission merchants, 16 Commerce, h B. R. S.
106 n Charles
Spalding John, lumber insp., 171 Montgomery
Spalding Michael, huckster, 204 Lexington
Spalding William, salesman, 75 Peirce
Spaller Theodore, cooper, 424 w Pratt
Sparner Christian, engineer, 82 Albemarle
Spamer Henry, shoemaker, 2 s Exeter
Spamor Ludwig, oil dealer, 73 s High
Span John, milkman, Canton st near Boston