Rohleter Peter, shoemaker, 136 Scott
Rohlfing Henry, tailor, 17 Colvert al or Brit. ct.
Rohlfing Henry W. furn. wagon, 118 e Fayette
Rohr Leon, cabinet maker, 52 n Liberty
Rohrer John W., grocer, 40 Marion
Roke John, laborer, 14 e Pratt
Rokess John M., boot and shoemak., 45 Orleans
Rold Henry, tailor, 98 Lancaster
Rolebauch George, bootmaker, 81 Orleans
Roles Thomas, huckster, 327 Mulberry
Roles Jonathan, engineer, 25 Sterrett
Roley Edward, 30 Gough
Roley James, drayman, 146 e Madison
Rolf Christian, porter, 231 Hamburg
Rolf Henry, ship carpenter, 142 Regester
Rolfes Anton, grocer, 24 Thames
Rolkum Henry, tailor, 82 Union
Roll John, 67 Durham
Rollins Caroline, 248 e Fayette
Rollins A. B. & Co., (John H. Miller,) lottery &
exchange office, 154 Baltimore
Rollins John, laborer, 37 Barnes
Rollins Ed., (Tansley, Slaney & R.) 48 Concord
Rollins Solomon A., grocer, 64 Lombard
Rollins Capt. William, 308 Lexington
Rollman John, baker, 167 n Canal
Rollman Fern., cabinet maker, 53 Harrison
ROLOSON (Wm.H.) & APPOLD (Theodore)
produce and provision merchants. 14 Water
Roloson Frederick, varnish manufacturer, and
provision dealer, 16 n Paca, h 305 Lexington
Roloson Hugh, bacon dealer. 170 Pearl
Roloson Wm H., (R. & Appold,) h 80 Camden
Rolston Wm., marble polisher, 232 Biddle
Romal Philip, grocer, 442 Penn. avenue
Roman John A., tailor, 329 s Bond
Romer Francis, 35 s Poppleton
Roming Henry, laborer, 27 Philpot alley
Romill John, laborer, 49 Penn. avenue
Romman Ernst, gro. and liq. dealer, 160 s Canal
Rommel E. N., tailor, 5 w Lombard
Romoser John M., tailor, 70 Dover
Romoser George, shoemaker, 311 Saratoga
Romoser Jacob, blacksmith, 34 Liberty alley
Romoser John, gro. and liq. dealer, 161 York
Romoser John G., 311 Saratoga
Romoser Matthias, laborer, 19 n Schroeder
Romp Michael, laborer, 187 Regester
Roney Michael, porter driver, 123 n Canal
Roney Patrick, grocer and wood dealer, 129 Mc-
Elderry's wharf, h 71 n Exeter
Roney Thomas, hackman, 202 Chesnut
Rongay August, laborer, 75 Bethel
Ronn Anthony, laborer, 222 Alice Anna
Ronning Elizabeth, millinery and fancy dealer,
137 Baltimore
Roob Moses, pedlar, 141 Orleans
Rook Andrew, shoemaker, 69 Johnson
Rooley Parick H., tobacco dealer, Calvert, h 69
Rooney Ann, Boston st e of Leakin
Rooney James H., brush maker, 11 McHenry
Rooney Hugh, 93 York
Rooney Dennis, tailor, 83 York
Rooney James, coach driver, 19 Grant
Rooney James F., porter, 100 e Fayette
Rooney Patrick, h 69 Pearl
Roop Wm., bricklayer, 90 Orchard
Root Calvert S., music teacher, 224 w Madison
Root Basil, overseer Almshouse
Root George, blacksmith, 187 n Canal
288 ROS
Root Henry R., (Sprague & R.) h 105 n Charles
Root Sarah, 25 York avenue
Root Sebastian, pile driver, 196 Eastern avenue
Rope Francis, laborer, 212 s Ann
Rope John, 10 St. Peter
Roper & Ray, (Albert) painters, 208 Eastern av
Ropes Archer, attorney at law, 32 n Calvert, h
74 Greene
Ropf John, brickmaker, 139 Henrietta
Ropi Rev. T., Mosher st n of Division
Ropp Conrad, shoemaker, 468 Lexington
Roppelt Conrad, ship carpenter, 153 s Wolf
Ropp Henry, baker, 468 Lexington
Rorkman Adam, baker, 143 Pratt
Rorsey Wm., carpenter, 230 Harford road
Roorsun Ann, Peter, 35 China
Rose Bernard, clothier, 252 w Pratt
Ready-Made Clothing
Between Hanover and Sharp,
Has always on hand a large assortment of
Fashionable Clothing, made up in the latest style
on reasonable terms, Cheap for Cash. He re-
quests his old friends and the public to give him
a call.
The best of Linen Bosom Shirts always on
hand. Clothing made to order at short notice.
Rose Beddin, 106 Pearl
Rose Eleanor, grocer, 1 George st alley
Rose George, 593 Saratoga
Rose George butcher, 482 Light
Rose Henry, engine builder, 206 Hollins
Rose Hirsch, dry goods dealer, 217 w Pratt
Rose Israel L , shoemaker, 299 Light
Rose Jacob, 21 Dallas
Rose Jacob, rag dealer, 70 Perry
Rose Jacob, dry goods mer., 170 Lexington
Rose Dr. John, ref'd med. physician, 57 s Sharp
Rose John W., chairmaker, 56 n Schroeder
ROSE JOHN, ship brok. & com. mer. 1 O'Don-
nell's wharf
Rose Martin, carpenter, 92 Chapel
Rose Peter, 15 Abbot
Rose Peter, (Maynard & R.) h 132 n Gay
Rose Simeon L., carpenter, 481 Light
Rose Thomas, tailor. 163 Eastern avenue
Rose Wm H., pr, "Military Hall,'' 24 n Gay
Rose Philip, baker, 44 s Republican
Rose William, finisher, 12 Garden
Rose Wm., machinist, 210 n Caroline
Rose Sarah, 508 w Lexington
Rosefield Moses, laborer, 171 Bethel
Roseman George W., umbrella, whip and cane
manufacturer, 576 w Baltimore
Rosemer Christian, carpet weaver, Penn. av
Rosemer John, 48 Harrison