Mullen Nichs., tailor, 115 Pearl
Mullen Owen, laborer, 312 Canton avenue
Mullen Patk., gro. and liq. deal., 120 Lancaster
Mullen Patrick F., tailor, 277 n Gay
Mullen Patrick, carpenter , 102 Hillen
Mullen Patrick, 29 Boothe
Mullen Peter, blacksmith, 5 Guilford
Mullen Rebecca, fancy goods dealer, 88 Preston
MULLIN THOMAS jr., coachmaker, 91 Hol-
liday, h 80 n High.
Coach Manufacturer,
Adjoining Shipley's Stables,
Second Door South of Holliday St.,
T. M. Jr., keeps on hand and Manufacture
to order, CARRIAGES, of every description
at short notice, made by good workmen, and of
the best materials.
Mullen Thomas, machinist, 147 s Eden
Mullen Thomas, laborer, 29 Boothe
Mullen Thomas, porter, 765 Penn. avenue
Mullen Wm., fringe maker, 306 w Pratt
Mullen Wm., drayman, 129 Holliday
Mullenberg Henry, shoemaker, 112 Paca
Muller Ambrose, cooper, 237 Hamburg
Muller Andrew, shoemaker, 192 Columbia
Muller Andrew, carter, 354 William
Muller Ann, 177 Henrietta
Muller Aug., com. rat., 82 Light st whf., h 166
Muller Casper, machinist, 346 William
Muller Charles, shoemaker, 387 s Charles
Muller Chas., stone cutter, 12 Leadenhall
Muller Charles, tailor, 108 Henrietta
Muller Charles, porter, 25 Pearl
Muller Christopher, 215 Alice Anna
MULLER CHRISTIAN, pr. "Herman house"
28 w Lombard
Muller David, shoemaker 20 Park
Muller Francis, shoemaker, 447 w Fayette
Muller Fredk., laborer, 168 William
Muller Frederick, shoemaker, 3 Baker's court
Muller George, blacksmith, 114 Raborg
Muller George, laborer, 184 Alice Anna
Muller George, shoemaker, 1 Baker's court
Muller George, laborer, 289 Alice Anna
Muller George, laborer, 192 Holllins
Muller Gotleip, 76 Boyd
Muller Gotleip, 16 Penn. avenue
Muller Henry, ship builder, 279 e Lombard
Muller Henry, 61 Portland
Muller Henry, shoemaker, 53 s Oregon
Muller Henry, tailor, 232 s Sharp
Muller Jacob, 16 Jackson's court
builders, 1 Philpot, h J. N. M., 107 Broadway
Muller John, 156 Alice Anna
Muller John W., printer, 169 e Baltimore
Muller John, blacksmith, 231 Dover
242 MUR
Muller John, 122 West
Muller John, tailor, 197 Alice Anna
Muller John, tailor, 35 Bevan alley
Muller John, carpet weaver, 57 Penn avenue
Muller John, 56 Henrietta
Muller John P., shoemaker, 168 William
Muller John piano maker, 9 s Greene
n Muller Dr. John R , 181 e Baltimore
Muller Julius E , music teacher, 229 Franklin
Muller Leonard, tavern keep, 130 Franklin
Muller Louis, paper hanger, 106 Baltimore
Muller Martin, laborer, 499 Penn. avenue
Muller Nichs., 44 Hughes
Muller Peter, blacksmith, 535 Lexington
Muller Peter, blacksmith, 231 Dover
Muller Philip H., (J. N. & P. H.,) h Lombard
Muller Val., 18 St. Peter
Muller Val., tailor, 2 Fountain
Muller Val, laborer, 156 Alice Anna
Muller Wm., grocer, 40 Bank
Muller Wm., lace maker, 42 Marion
Mullet Thomas, 190 Eden
Mulley John M., shoemaker, 275 w Fayette
Mulligan Edward, grocer, and liq. deal., 155
Mulligan Hugh, 167 Henrietta
Mulligan James, 36 Dewberry alley
Mulligan John, plough maker, 5 Perry
Mulligan John, grocer, 12 Neighbor
Mulligan Michael, laborer, 318 Forest
Mulligan Michael, stone cutter, 90 Harford av
Mulligan Patrick, 131 Washington
Mulligan Rose A., millin'y store, 3 w Baltimore
Mulligan Thomas, grocer, 90 Harford avenue
Mullikin Osborne Wm., teacher, 39 n Liberty
Mullikin Thomas, shoemaker, 31 May
Mullin Ann (widow of Philip Mullin,) clothier,
7 Second
Mullinin Basil, omnibus driver, 110 Ross
Mullmier (Wm.) & Hunter (John T.) coach
makers, 45 Holliday, h Wm. M., Stirling
Mulroy Hannah, 21 Tyson alley
Mulse Philip, machinist, 38 York
Multz John, huckster, 17 Warner
Mulvan Samuel, collector, 140 Raborg
Mumma David, butcher, 155 York avenne
Mumma Mary, 113 York
Munberg John, laborer. 322 Alice Anna
Munch George T., shoemaker, 580 w Baltimore
Muncks Louis A., imp, and whole, deal, in fan-
cy goods, 309 Baltimore, h Lexington nr. Pine
Munday Thomas, 127 n Fremont
Munder Chas. P., baker and con., 27 s Liberty
Munger Lewis F., confec., 469 w Baltimore
Munnis Alex. & John, grocers, 87 Hillen
Munroe Anne, nurse, 40 s Caroline
Munroe Henry, blacksmith, 68 Holland
Munroe Isaac, h 53 Lexington
Munroe Nathaniel, 91 Hanover
Munson Capt. Samuel A., mariner, 116 s Bond
Munster Elizabeth. 21 Philpot
Murdoch Ann, milliner, 40 Camden
Murdoch Aug., tavern keep., 167 Eastern av
Murdoch Chas., manufac. cedar ware, cor Cal-
vert and Lombard, h 673 Penn. avenue
MURDOCH (Alex) & DALL, (Austin) dry
goods and com. mts, 14 s Charles
Murdoch (Thos) Duer (Elw. N.) & Evans,
whole, dealers in for. and domestic dry goods,
247 Baltimore
Murdoch John, printer, 34 Albemarle