ELLICOTT WM. M., commission merchant
3 Spear's wharf, h 5 St. Paul
Ellinger Jacob, cow dealer, 541 n Gay
Ellingsworth Wm., rigger, 29 Bethel
Elliott Abraham, clothier, 250 w Pratt
Wholesale & Retail
Between Hanover and Sharp Sts.,
Always on hand a large assortment of FASH-
IONABLE CLOTHING, made up in the la-
test style, on the most reasonable terms, CHEAP
FOR CASH. He requests his old friends and the
public to give him a call.
The best of Linen Bosom Shirts and Gentle-
men's Wearing Apparel always on hand. Clo-
thing made to order at short notice,
Give me a call and bring your neighbors.
Elliott Ann, huckster, 40 n Front
Elliott Benjamin I., carp., 54 n Fremont
Elliott Benj., keeper Center mar., 8G Mullikin
Elliott Benjamin, clerk, 52 George
Elliott Chas. W., brickmaker, 65 Washington
Elliott Daniel, brickmaker, 35 Giddings
Elliott Elizabeth, Gravel al, n of Saratoga st
Elliott Edward, carpenter, 3 Young
Elliott Grafton W., plasterer, 6 s Caroline
Elliott Gudlip, varnisher, 234 s Bond
Elliott Henry A. & Bro., apoth'ys & druggists
286 Lexington
Elliott James H., moulder, 19 Gitlings
Elliott Jas., Sun carrier, 80 Mullikin
Elliott Jas., oyster dealer, 3l Spring
Elliott John, blacksmith, 16 Barnes
Elliott John, carp., 249 n Eden
Elliott John, ship carp., 140 William
Elliott John, piano tuner, 135 w Madison
Elliott Joseph, carp., 251 n Eden
Elliott Joseph, flour inspector, 242 Mulberry
Elliott Joseph S. , carp.. 13 s Spring
Elliott Lovena, 244 Light
Elliott Nathan J., clerk, 156 n Eden
Elliott Robert, carp., 255 n Canal
Elliott Robert, laborer, 9 s Bond
Elliott Robert, Gravel al, n Saratoga
Elliott Thomas, painter, 271 n Canal
Elliott Thomas, trader in market, 96 Pine
Elliott Thos., plasterer, 68 Granby
Elliott Thos., weaver, 138 Vine
Elliott Thos., carter, 68 Granby
Elltott Wm., S., clothier, 63 Thames
Elliott Wm., teacher, 100 Chew
Elliott Wm., 208 e Madison
Elhott Wm., printer, 230 e Monument
Elliott Wm., painter, 66 McElderry
Elliott Wm., shoemaker, 330 Aisquith
104 EMI
Elliott Wm., laborer, 221 Washington
Ellis Aaron, confectioner, 177 e Monument
Ellis Benj., ship carp., 105 s Bond
Ellis David, cabinetmaker, 153 e Lombard
Ellis Dorothea, 75 Henrietta
Ellis Edward, gardner, 485 Penn. avenne
Ellis Elizabeth R. 24 French
Ellis Francis, blacksmith, 20 Liberty al
Ellis James, carp., 24 Penn. avenue
Ellis John C. H., horse dealer, 10 St. Mary
Ellis John, pr , eating house, 128 Forest
Ellis Sophia, 509 Light
Ellis Thomas, 14 s Gay
Ellis Wm., engineer. 283 s Charles
Ellis Wm. H., engineer, 24 Lemmon
Ellis Wm., actor, 36 Hillen
Ellitt Robt., bricklayer, 247 n Eden
Ellsler Henry, pr. butter depot, 51 Center mar.,
h 41 Exeter
Elmas Jas., sailor, 294 s Wolf
Elmedar Henry, cabinet maker, 137 Park
Elmer Lewis, silversmith, 12 n Gay, h 104 s
Ell wood Thos., laborer, Boston st, e of Leakin
Elmor Lewis, grocer, 104 s Exeter
Elmore Lewis W., grocer, 267 e Lombard
Eln John, blacksmith. 894 Baltimore
Elpeaux D' R., 52 s Gay
Elphinstone Jas., saddler, 34 Maiden lane
Elpuex Celestine D., 38 Ross
Elserode Francis, laborer, 256 s Eutaw
Elslager Christian, 55 s Eutaw
Elphring Wm. H.. ven. blind mk., 167 Mulberry
Eltonhead Arnold, jeweler, 353 Ensor
Eltonhead Sarah, fancy goods dealer, 35 e Balt.
Elwell Elizabeth, Elliott st
Elwood John, tavern, 83 McElderry's wharf
Ely Charles, furniture carter, Chester, s of Pratt
Ely Charles W., shoemaker, 148 n Gay, store
218 w Pratt
Ely Charles, (Wilcox & E ,) 142 n Gay
Ely Geo., police officer, 19 Britton
Ely John C., architect, 185 s Ann
Ely Mahlon S., ladies fashionable shoe store, 170
n Gay
Elzey Letitia, boarding house, 63 Second
Emack Wm., 85 n Eutaw
Emanuel Joseph, porter, 49½ n Eutaw
Emanuel Michael, hack driver, 28 n Eutaw
Emart Mary, 185 Mulberry
Emel John, confec., 237 Alice Anna
Emeny George, tailor, 54 n Canal
Emerick Andrew, turner, 112 Camden
Emerick David St Son, boot and shoemakers, 56
n Howard
Emerick John, shoemaker, 55 s Eutaw
Emerick Karl, laborer, 3 Shakespeare
Emerick Wm. H., shoemaker, 56 1-2 Howard, h
17 Grundy
Emery Ann, 127 Regester
Emery John, wheelwright, 75 McHenry
Emery Peter, blacksmith, 214 Eager
Emeryck David, shoemaker, Howard, h 145
Penn. avenue
Emich Andrew, cabinet mk., 420 w Fayette
Emich Daniel carpenter, 348 Fayette
EMICH JOHN V., stove and tin worker, 27
Light, h 25 s Fremont
Emich Peter, stove smith, 16 s Schroeder