Douglass Dr. Arnold B. 169 s Caroline
Douglass Charles, s e cor Centre and Holliday
Douglass David, cooper, 163 Madison
Douglass George W. cooper, 35 Biddle al
Douglass James B. oak cooper, Mullikin st e of
Broad way
Douglass Joseph, oak cooper, 4 Tcssier, dw 129
Douglass Letetia G. 68 Saratoga
Douglass Lewis J. cooper, near Belvidere bridge
Douglass Peter, cooper, Hunter al
Douglass Thomas, shoemaker, rear 379 Saratoga
Douglass Wm. H. oak cooper, Hunter al near John-
son st
Douglass Wm. machinist, Scott between Pratt and
Dousch Peter, stevadore, 7 Shakespear
Douty Moses, engineer R. R. 476 w Lombard
Dove Benj. baggage master R. R. 534 w Pratt
Dove Wm. C. iron founder, Wolf s of Gough
Dover John, shoemaker, 15 Warner
Dovinger Peter, miller, 68 Granby
Dow Dr. James. 16 s Frederick
DOW LORENZO, proprietor Gem Hotel, 16 s
Dowd Michael, grocer, 147 Harford av
Dowell John, firm Burgess & D. 73 Ai.«quith
Dowie John, machinist, 87 Hamburg
Dowlin Bridget, Eden s of Bank
Dowling Ann, 181 n Eutaw
Dowling Catherine, 187 n Eutaw
Dowling Edward, clerk superior court, Fayette
near High
Dowling John, grocer, s e cor Pratt and Regester
Dowling Nancy, 181 n Eutaw
Dowling Thomas, w end Henrietta near Paca
Downey Edmund, carpenter, 13 L. Gough
Downey John, dry goods merchant, 149 Franklin
Downey John, laborer, Abey al s of Hamburg st
Downey Mary H. 10 Pearl
Downey Wm. grocer and liquor dealer, 46 Buren
Downey Wm. carter, Henrietta w of China
Downey Wm. laborer, 8 n Greene
Downing G. F. 87 L. Greene
Downs Dr. Dion, n e cor Canal and Baltimore
Downs Harris T. butcher, 81 McElderry
Downs John, firm O. F. Winchester & Co. gentle-
men's furnishing store, under Carroll Hall, dw
61 n High
Downs John, rear 13 Foundry
Downs Joseph, butcher, 122 Columbia
Downs Oliver P. butcher, Baltimore e of Chester
Downs Richard, carpenter, 40 George
Downs Sarah, 358 Franklin
Downs Solomon J. bricklayer, Bond s of Eager
Downs Thomas, carpenter, 121 Pine
Doyle Arthur, ship carpenter, 288 Canton ar
Doyle Bernhard, carpenter, 3 Columbia
Doyle Catherine, 10 Willow
Doyle James, grocer, 20 Douglass
Doyle James, of glass house, 135 Alice Anna
Doyle James, laborer, 32 w Lombard
Doyle John, tavern, Swan st near Market space
Doyle John, laborer, Canal s of Bank
Doyle John, laborer, Abey al n of Cross st
Doyle John, laborer, 212 Raborg
Doyle John, Dallas n of Gough
Doyle Luke, liquor dealer, 148 s Durham
Doyle Michael, drayman, 34 Rock
Doyle Michael, ship carpenter, G. Hughes W of
Doyle Michael, ship carpenter, Covinglon s Hughes
Doyle Patrick, tavern and boarding bouse, 11 w
Doyle Patrick, laborer, 288 Canton av
Doyle Patrick, laborer, 186 Stirling
Doyle Peter, grocer, cor Charles, and Lombard
Doyle Thomas, laborer, 29 Philpot al
Doyle Thomas, carter, 14 s Schroeder
Doyle Wm. carpenter, 70 n Fiemont
Doyle Wm. carter, 38 Park
Draisch Joseph, laborer, 160 Lexington
Drake Matthew, blacksmith, 120 s Howard
DRAKELY & FENTON, grocers and produce
commission merchants. 387 Baltimore
Drakely Henry W. firm D. & Fenton, 263 Fayette
Drane John, grocer, s w cor Dallas and Hampstead
Drap Seb. officer custom house, 50 s Caroline
Draper Garrison, tobacconist, 162 Forrest
Dray Michael, paver, 76 Somerset
Drebert Capt. 145 Mulberry
Drene James, grocer and liquor dealer, 9 Mercer
Dresel W. firm Brauns & Co. 218 Lombard
Dresler John, laborer, 70 Somerset
Dressel John, baker, 126 and 128 e Madison
Dressel John J. baker, 126 Canton av
Drew Mary H. 36 n Eden
Drew Michael, tavern, Albemarle st s of Eastern ar
Drexler Frederick, laborer, 315 s Bond
Drexler George, milkman, Pennsylvania av ext
Drexler John F. tailor, 52 Ross
Dretler John, milkman, 510 Saraloga
Drexler Mary, intersection Fremont & Chatsworth
Dreyer Ernst, fresco painter, 17 n Howard