American Life and Health Insur. Co
Office, No. 5, Carroll HaH,
^Associated Firemen's Ins. Co. oj' Bait.
Offine, No. 12 Soii'h ?lrpet
J\O. R. MOORE, Pre.t., J.NO. DUKEHART, Sec'y.
Baltimore L(fe Insurance Company.
In orporalf.a 1838.— Canilal $100,000.
Officr , No, 15 Soutli Street.
J. I. DONATjDSON, Pret-t «. B. DORSET, Sec'y.
Columbia Fire Ins. Co. of S.Carolina.
Office, No. 15 South*»trret.
R. B. DORSET, Agent.
ttaltimorc Equitable Society.
Oft«T, No. 19 South sireot — Inoorporai<>d, 179X.
W R JONC3, S"c'y. F. J. DALLAM, Treas
' ' HUC:H B JONES, t»rveyor.
r^ttciion Fire Ins. Co. | Hartford Conn
^fritt Fire Jits. Co. S
Office S. W. cor. of Lombard and O^v streets — lip »tairi
' \JapiUl $-300,000 c»eh.
BdttimorK Fire Insurance Company.
Office. No 24 South street,— Incorporated 1807.
J. I. COHfclN Jr., Pics. F. WOODWORTU. Sec'y.
Mutual Life Ins Co. Hartford, Conn.
Commercial Mutual Insur. Company.
Hanover Fire Insurance Company.
WM. BOGGS, Ag«nt, 24 Soulh street, «p stair*.
Firemen's Insurance Company.
Office, cor. Soulh and Second street*.
J. REESE. Pre»t. T. J. R1JTTER, Rec'y.
JV*ational Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore.
No. 13 South street.
•Mutual Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Bait.
Com. Buildings, opposite Eicliarige.
EOM'D. DfDlER, Pres. HY. A. IMD1ER, Sec'y.
Merchants Mutual Ins. Co. of Bait.
For Marine Insurance in alii la brandies.
Office, Com. Buildings, Gay st,oppos'te the Exc^angr.
VV. GRAHAM. Prrat. G. B COALE. S>«c'y.
Md. Mutual Insurance Co. of Bait.
Exchange Buildings.
J. G. t>AVIF.S, rtPst. H. F. THOMPSON, See'y.
Hartford Fire Ins Co Hartford, Conn.
GRO. B. CO ALE, Acmt/Com. Buildir.gs.
Jll lanlie Mutual Insurance Co. of Bait.
.E*chauge Buildingi. S. T. THOMl'SQN, Prest,