Switzer Mary, 63 McElderry
Switzer Oliver, grocer, 30 n Eden
Switzer Wm. shoemaker, Pennsylvania av extd
Swolnbach Stephen, machinist, 25 s Paca
Sword Alex boat builder, shop Fell s of Thames,
dw 83 Ann
Sword John W. pilot, 172 Ann
Sword Wm. pilot, 225 Gough
Swords James, grocer, 56 Potter
Sworp Charles, stone cutter, 164 Con way
Swoup John, tavern keeper, 137 s Howard
Syble Henry, furnace man. Hudson st. Canton
Syford Henry, carpenter, Scbroder bet w Pratt and
Syford Martin, laborer, Raborg e of Republican
Syke Henry, baker, 175 s Sharp
Sykes Harriet, s w cor Lombard and Hanover
Sykes John, iron moulder, 73 Hamburg
Sykes John, laborer, 78 Cross
Sykes Nicholson, laborer, 12 Fish market
Sylvester Mary, 310 n Howard
Sylvester & Robinson, dry goods dealers, 215 w
SYMINGTON THOMAS S. importer & dealer
in foreign and domestic unwrought marble, cor
Howard and Cathedral, dw 147 Park
Sypherd Susan, 1 Hampstead
Sythe Edward & James Harden, public waiters, 24
St. Paul
Syxie Taylor, letter graver, 104 Barre
Szemelenyi Ernest, music teacher, 12 Barnet
TABB, SHIPLEY & Co. flour and produce commission
merchants, 51 Light
Tabler Jacob, tailor, 172 Saratoga
Tabot Mrs. matron Christ's Ch. Asylum 27 Garden
Tacts Alonzo B. tavern, 26 e Baltimore
Taffe Anthony, 202 e Fayette
Tagart Samuel H. attorney, 3 St. Paul, dw 105
Taggart Frederick, 198 Wolf
Tailius Godleip, tailor, Bond s of Gough
Talbot Benj. coach smith, North near Saratoga,
dw 26 Hillen
Talbot Caroline H. 26 Josephine
Talbot George W. clerk, 30 e Baltimore
Talbot John, cordwainer, 8 Columbia
Talbot Mahlon, clerk, 60 n Paca
Talbot Mary, washer, alley rear 154 n Howard
Talbot Rachel, 351 n Gay
Talbot Wm. A. firm Dobbin & T. dw 42 St. Paul
Talburton Wm. music teacher, 67 Raborg
Taliafero G. B. grain and commission merchant, 10
Bowly's wharf
Tall Eliza, conieclioner, 71 Hamburg
Tall Joseph, painter, 16 n High
Tall Joseph, painter, 46 Holland
Tall W. firm Trego, T. & Co. dw 98 Lee
Tall Wm. clerk, 243 n Howard
Talley Capt. Alex. 60 Bank
Talley Capt. Thomas, 68 Bank
Talley Wm. mariner. Lancaster e of Ann
Talley Capt. Wm. 210 s Ann
Talmer Karr, laborer, 254 s Ann
Tall Pairick, grocer and feed dealer, cor Happy al
and Pratt st
Tamar Ann, rear 11 Clay
Taney Harriet, dress maker, 35 s High
Taney Hon. Roger B. chief justice of the U. States,
dw 31 Lewington
Taneyhill Rebecca S. variety dealer, 94 n Howard
Taneyhill Samuel, merchant tailor, 8 n Gay
Tangier John, laborer, Pennsylvania av extd
Tanner Adam, bricklayer, 313 s Bond
Tanner Benjamin, clerk, 109 Sharp
Tanner Dr. s e cor Sharp and Saratoga
Tansley, Slaney & Rollins, gas metre manufact'rs,
Phoenix Co. Tripolett's al
Tansley Thomas, firm Tansley, Slaney & Rollins,
dw High
Tant Lorenzo, shoemaker, 11 Harrison
Tanzey Bernhard, watchman, 26 Gibson
Tapman John M. cooper, 76 Hamburg
Tapman Samuel, grocer, 237 Light
Tare Benj. tanner, 9 n Caroline
Tarleton Henrietta, 22 Warren
Tarman & Simpers, grocers and commission mer-
chants, 79 Hanover
Tarr Edwin S. cabinet maker, 11 n Gay, dw 127 e
Tarr Harrison J. C. cabinet maker, Chew w Gay
Tarr John, chair grainer, 42 Hampstead
Tarr Joseph, ship smith, 15 William
Tarr Wesley B. produce merchant, Calvert st dw
93 n Exeter
Tarr Rev. Wm. H. cancer doctor, 271 n Gay
Tarrick Wm. stone mason, Tessier near St. Mary
Tarring Rev. Henry, 176 Chesnnt
Tarring Wm. jr. painter, Eutaw n of Montgomery
Tascar Joseph, ostler, Dover e of Fremont
Tash Ann, 26 Orchard
Tate Elizabeth Ann, Regester s of Gough
Tate Robert, firm Stromenger & T. 126 s Charles
Tatgenhorst Wm. blacksmith, 95 Eastern av
Tatham John, collector, 103 s Paca
Tatham Joseph, shoemaker, 25 Armistead lane