Speck Wm. H. B. tavern keeper, 317 s Bond
Spedden Daniel, ship carpenter, 32 Henrietta
Spedden Edward, City Commissioner, 109 Con way
Spedden Isaac, laborer, Goodman hi s of West st
Spedden James B. waterman, 72 William
Spedden John, sail maker, 108 s Caroline
Spedden Maria L. 74 s Eden
Spedden Robert H. bricktnaker, 33 s Republican
Spedden Thomas, brickmaker, 776 w Baltimore
Spedden Timothy, ship carpenter, 228 Light
Spedden Vincent P. liquor and feed dealer, 774 w
Speed Capt. James R. 230 e Fayette
Speed Robert, morocco dresser, Aisquith n of Eager
Speer Jane, dress maker. 33 Preston
Spegle Hugh, laborer, Wolf s of Thames
Speichle Val. furnace man, Ellioit st. Canton
Speights James, brickmaker, 19 Gibson
Speights Capt. Jer. 116 Pearl
Speigel John, carpenter, 67 Frederick
Speigle George, laborer, 231 Wolf
Spell Henry, whitewasher, Exeter st s Eastern av
Spellman John, shoemaker. Front s of Plowman
Spellman John, watchman, 22 May
Spellman Patrick, cor Alice Anna and Spring
Spence Ann M. 102 Canton av
Spence Elijah, laborer. Canal st n of Eastern av
Spence George, firm Miles & S. dw Exeter
Spence Graham K. 100 n Paca
Spence Harman, plasterer, s Paca extd
Spence John, laborer, 123 Peirce
SPENCE & REID, commission merchants, 72
Spear's wharf
Spence Wm.W. firm Spence & Reid, Cathedral near
Spencer Charlotte, 13 Pearl
Spencer Compton, book keeper, Gibson s Hoffman
Spencer Guinilda, 233 Lexington
Spencer Henry, huckster, Spring n of Bank
Spencer Hugh, ship carpenter, 126 L. Greene
Spencer James, carpenter, 29 Buren
Spencer Jervis, attorney at law, 18 Fayette, dw
City Hotel
Spencer John M. variety store, 478 w Baltimore
Spencer Joseph P. hatter. 349 Lombard
Spencer Joseph H. firm Meredith, Spencer &, Co.
dw 274 Lexington
Spencer Lydia A. seamstress, 34 George
Spencer Peregrine G. ship carpenter, 114 s Bond
Spencer Samuel, painter, 12 Mulberry ct
Spencer Susan, 274 Lexington
Spencer Thomas, tailor, Gough e of Regester
Spencer Thomas, wharfinger, 283 Alice Anna
Spencer Wm. P. furniture and venitian blind man-
ufac. 35 s Calvert, dw 4 n Caroline
Spendie Mary, 59 Hillen
Speriing Marks & Bro. hat and cap dealers, 62
Centre market
Sperry & Kerner, tobacconists, 184 Lexington
Sperry Peter E. clerk, 121 German
Sperry Wm. 39 Courtland
Sperzel Alosius, 23 Park
Spetzler Charles, grocer and liquor dealer, 73 Har-
Spice Michael, huckster, Union near Ross
Spicer Charles, sext. 3d Presby. church, 240 Biddle
Spicer Eliza J. milliner & variety store. 250 w Pratt
Spicer Hiram, grocer, n e cor Amity & Lombard
Spicer John, merchant tailor, 163 Franklin, dw 212
Spicer John, brickmaker, 6 Johnson
Spicer Nathaniel, wheelwright, 11 n Frederick
Spicer Samuel G. shoemaker, 278 e Monument
Spicer Thomas, clerk U. S. District court, basement
Masonic Hall, dw 88 n Eutaw
Spicer Thomas, jr. firm Medcalfe, Spicer & Co. dw
88 n Eutaw
Spicker Herman H. grocer, 20 Fawn
Spiers Ann, 252 e Fayette
Spies Chas. L. dancing school, s e cor Charles and
Baltimore, dw 23 Pearl
Spies Emil, tailor, 5 Clay
Spies Frederick, tailor, 91 Lexington
Spies George C. tailor, 107 n Front
Spies John G. 164 Light
Spies Margaret, 102 Hill
Spies Mary, huckster, 37 Garden
Spiker Henry, laborer, s end Durst al e William st
Spiler Theodore, cooper, 382 w Pratt
Spilker Charles W. firm S. & Precht, dw 86 Barre
Spilker Charles W. dw 9 Lexington
SPILKER & PRECHT, import. German, French
and English fancy goods, 269 Baltimore
Spilker Wm. & H. keepers oil and lamp store, 136
Baltimore, dw W. S. 9 Leiington
Spilman George, shoemaker, 53 Watson
Spihnan Henry, 121 s High
Spilman John, tailor, 162 Pearl
Spilman Thomas, tailor, 159 Hollins
Spilman Wm, wagoner, 56 Second
Spinier Enoch, engineer, Regesier s of Fleet
Spitzel Philip, laborer, 257 s Ann
Splem John H. boot and shoe maker, 83 Harrison
Sponseler John, oyster pickler, 18 Foundry