PORTER ROBERT B. hardware merchant, 53 w
Pratt, dw 293 w Fayette
Porter Thomas, 172 Broadway
Porter William, 87 Montgomery
Ports John carpenter, 31 Orchard
Ports Martha E. millinery, 671 Balt
Ports Martha E. mantua maker, 1 n Poppleton
Posey Adreon A. 67 Granby
Posey John P. clerk stamp office, 359 w Fayette
Post Anthony, cooper, Eden s of Bank
POST OFFICE, Exchange buildings, s Gay
Post William, block and pump maker, 9 Philpot
Poston Henrv, mariner, 58 Mullikin
Poston J. T. firm Gott & Poston. carp. 281 Gay
Potee Francis, brick maker, 38 Gittings
Potee Graham, McKinley, & Gifford, police officers,
10 n Frederick
Potee Maria, grocer. 34 Gittings
Poter Henry, laborer, 59 n Frederick
Potter Aduoalt, shoemaker, 144 Howard, dw 12
Potter Chas. R. ship joiner, Wolfs of Gough
Potter Charles W. plumber, 15 Jackson
Potter Elijah, ship carpenter, 138 s High
Potter Elizabeth, seamstress, n w cor Lombard &
Potter James, boot maker, Mad. st near York road
Potter John W. ship carpenter, 102 s Caroline
Potter Thomas, watchman, 132 n Canal
Potter Unas, tavern keeper, 99 n Eden
Pottery Maryland, Jas. L. Parr, prop. Eden, n of
Balt and also Bond
Pottinger Drs. John H. & F. E. Partridge, 211 n
Potts Vintentia, grocer. 300 n Howard
Pouch Paul, tailor, Eden st n of Eastern av
Pouder Geo. W. cabinet maker, 122 Fayefte
Pouder Leonard, firm Summers & P. 304 w Fayette
Pouder Wm. P. dry goods dealer, 57 n Howard, dw
ever 52
Poules John, nail smith, 219 Ensor
POULSON ALEXR. W. importer and dealer in
fancy goods, 319 Balt dw 299 w Fayette
Poulson Johanna, Regester s of Fratt
Poulstick Peter, laborer, 108 Thames
Poultney Ann, 6 St. Paul
Poultney Jane, Centre e of Charles
Poultney Samuel, 28 Mulberry
Poultney Thomas, firm Brown & P. dw Centre, 1
door from Charles
Poulton Alexander, brakesman, 7 Calendar
Pousch Frederick, umbrella maker, 9 Canton av
Powder House, n 01 Fort road, e of Johnson st
Powell Charles R. dry goods dealer, 31 Balt
Powell Daniel, shoemaker, 165 s Caroline
Powell Elizabeth D. 102 Aisquith
Powell Ful. cabinet maker, 16 Raborg
Powell F. laborer, Cross e of Hanover
Powell George, laborer, 13 Stiles
Powell Geo W. carpenter, 267 n Eden
Powell Henry, block and pump maker, 131 McEl-
derry's wharf, dw 29 Aisquith
Powell Henry shoemaker, 95 Ross
Powell Henry, shoemaker, 26 Granby
Powell John, prov. curer, cor Lexingion and Arch
Powell John D. barber, 135 s Bond
Powell Robert, mariner, 284 Alice Ann
Powell Wm. laborer, Fountain st w of Castle al
Power Anastasia R. tavern keeper, 56 North
Power Benj. P. lime not. city block, dw 226 n Eutaw
Power Cornelius, laborer, 250 Canton av
Power James & Son, grocers and produce dealers,
103 Franklin, dw 184
Power Jno. Fred, laborer, York road, n of Eager st
Power Joseph, grocer, 13 Jefferson
Power Leonard, glue maker, Columb nr, Poppleton
Power Patrick, laborer, 98 Raborg
Powers John, victualler, 9 n Amity
Powers John, tavern keeper, s e cor Canton av and
Castle al
Powers Joseph, mariner, Granby, w of Canal
Powers Mrs. milk dealer, 106 Caraden
Prach Geo. baker and conf. 53 e Lombard
Pracht Aug. C. book keeper, 199 German
Pracht Charles, grocer, 75 Ross
Pracht John, baker, 71 n Shroeder
Pracht William, mor. finisher, 74 s Spring
Praeger Henry, grocer, n w cor. Henrietta & Sharp
Prag Isaac, 2d hand deiler, 331 Saratoga
Prag Simon, 2d hand furniture dealer, 28 Penn av
Prared George, grocer, s side rail road, Ostend s
near glass house
Pralle Dederich, prop. Washington Gardens, 86
Penn av
Prather Alfred, huckster, Penn av n of Fremont st
Prather Josiah S. moroc. dresser, junction Fremont
st and Penn av
Pratson Jacob, milkman, 63 Johnson
Pratt Edward & Bro. com. and iron mts. 27 and '9
Charles, prop, iron yard, Boston st Canton
Pratt Enoch, firm P. & Bro. s w cor Park & Mon't
Pratt Isaac, lumber agent, 407 w Lombard
PRATT JABEZ D. & CO mercantile agency
s e cor Charles and Balt. See card.