Newman E R. firm N. & Bro. dw Pine cor Raborg
Newman Jas. laborer, 46 Hampstead
Newman Jas. proprietor tavern, 190 East
Newtnan Mrs. Joseph, dry goods dealer, 505 w Balt
Newinan J &. 2d hand variety dealers 143 Orleans
Newman ——— & S.m, piano makers, Lombard st
near Dewberry al
Newman Jos. & Bro. piano forte makers, 503 w
Baltimore, dw J. N. at same
Newman Mary E 246 Eastern av
Newman Oliver P. confectioner, 145 Franklin
Newmia Samuel, clothier, 56 Centre market
Nawm m Wrn. W. carpenter, Frederick s of Lom-
bard, dw 65 n Exeter
Newmayer Chas. A. silver chaser, 279 Franklin
Newmeyer Frederick, engraver. 83s Howard
Newnon Joseph J. watchman, Broadway n Pratt st
NewreyJer Andrew, tailor, 56 Harrison
Newton Chas. painter, 122 e Monument
Newton Mary, nurse, 409 Saratoga
Newton Rjsetta. 236 Franklin
Newton Thomas, machinist, 51 Scott
Newton Thos. ladies' shoemaker, 337 Lexiugton
Newton University school, 11 Lexington H. W
Heath, president. See card.
New York Farmers' Fire Insurance Co. J. H. Igle
heart, agent, 16 South st
New York Life Insurance Co. 4 Franklin buildings,
North st E I. J. Richard, agent
Nibert Adam, milk man, 275 s Bond
Niblet John, blk'smith, 11 Thompsen,dw 49 a High
Nibold John, carpet weaver, 35 s Caroline
Nice Adam, cooper, 10 President
Nice Augustus brass founder, 233 Ensor
Nice John H. tinner, 153 n Eden
Nice Mary Ann, 187 Ensor
Nichol Wm plasterer, Caroline s of Pratt
Nicholas Casper, baker and conf. 175 n Eden
NICHOLAS J. S. attorney at law, 6 Court House
lane, dw 39 Lexington
Nicholas Wilson N. 153 Park
Nicholls Wm. I. n e cor Ross and Biddle
Nichols Adam, tinner and plumber, s e cor Gough
and Wolf
Nichols Aquilla, grocer, Halston st Canton
Nichols Aug. laborer, 69 Perry
Nichols David, painter, Washington st s of Bank
Nichols Godfrey, 261 s Durham
Nichols Godfrey, Cambridge st Cantoa
Nichols Jas. briekmaker, 423 Saratoga
Nichols Warren, firm Wm. D. Shurtz & Co. Bolton
st between Lanvale & Hoffman
Nichols Zachariah, brickmaker, Bevan al s of Hen-
rietta st
Nicholson Alexander, 242 e Fayette
Nicholson Andrew, tavern keeper, 1 Greene
Nicholson Ann Jane, seamstress, 65 Ross
Nicholson Daniel confectioner, 77 n Howard
Nicholson Daniel, repository carriages, and horses
to hire, Clay w of Howard
Nicholson Eliza, 27 s Republican
Nicholson Eliza seamstress, 878 Baltimore
Nicholson Frederick, carpenter, 302 n Gay
Nicholson George, butcher, between Fulton and
exchange office, 28 Baltimore, dw 40 n High
Nicholson Henry, baker, 104 Orleans
Nicholson Isaac, firm G. N. & Bro. dw 32 Front
Nicholson J. J. & Bro. exchange and banking house,
1 & 3 s Sharp, dw J. J. N. 44 w Balt
Nicholson Jacob C. 64 High
Nicholson Jatnes, currier. 55 McHenry
Nicholson John, firm J. N, & Bro. 443 Baltimore
Nicholson Thos. currier, 10 McHenry
Nieholson Thomas, book binder, 60 FYemont
Nicholson —— , brass moulder, 198 Broadway
Nicholson Wm H iron and rag dealer, 252 Frank.
Nickerson Pamelia A. grocer, 40 n Charles
Nicklas Conrad, watch maker, 470 Baltimore
Nicklas John, watch and jewelry dealer, 393 Balt
dw 470
Nicklis Casper, baker, 175 n Eden
Nickmiller George, grocer, 152 Columbia
Nicodemus Jeremiah, firm Hiem N. & Co. 179
Nicodemus Josiah C. firm Smith & N. 183 Mulb'y
Nicolai Henry, shoemaker, 142 s Howard
Nieolai John C ladies' shoemaker, 564 Baltimore
Nicolai Sarah E. 124 s Bond
Nicolaus John, milk dealer, 92 n Spricg
Nicoll Wm. D. huckster, Harford road, n Biddle st
Nicoll Wm, bricklayer, 79 s Ann
NICOLSSON, WM. H. iron and rag dealer, "the
rat," 252 Franklin
Nielhammer John, well digger, 8 Diamond
Nielson John, lottery dealer, 85 Thames
Nienman Aug. tailor, 34 Marion
Niernsee John R. firm N. & Nielson, dw 87 n Chas.
Niernsee & Neilson, architects and civil engineers,
over 70 w Fayette
Nighthart Frederick, near 69 Cross
Niklas Geo. clothier, 242 1/2 n Cay
Niles Elizabeth, dress maker. 69 Hanover