Mortimer John W. firm M. & Mowbray, d\v 267
Mortimer John M. ship carpenter, 103 n Exeter
Mortimer John, carpenter, Gough st e of Broadway
MORTIMER & MOWBRAY, fancy and variety
goojs dealers, 240 Baltimore
Mortimer Thomas, clerk, n w cor Cross and Fre-
Morton Frederick A. bricklayer, 117 n Eden
Morton George C. Ex-French Consul, dw 209 n
Morton Julia Ana, Lexington cor Chatsworth
MORTON & LATROBE, general commission
merchants, n w cor Frederick and Lombard
Morton Margaret, iron store, 110 Dugan's wharf
Morton Robert, grocer, 193 Aisquith
Morton Washington, firm M. & Latrobe, dw 287
Morville Peter, 238 e Monument
Mory Wm. piano maker, 16 Raborg
Mosclack John, Gates al from Cross to West, e ol
Washington st
Moschzisker Dr. occulist, 34 Hanover
Moser Ernest, tavern, 2 e Pratt
Moser Fredk. car maker, 20 Eastern av
Moser Jacob, tavern, 23 e Pratt
Moser Leopold, tobacconist, 74 Exchange place, dw
60 Lee
Moser Maria, 201 Gough
Mosher Eliza, 158 n Caroline
Mother Elizabeth, 64 w Fayette
Mosher Mrs 91 Madison
Mosier Christian, carpenter. 238 Aisquith
Moss B. A. clothing & variety dealer, 49 Harrison
Moss Hamilton, Chew e of Spring st
Moss Lewis, cooper, 4 Chatsworth
Moss Lewis, laborer, 53 Buren
Moss Philip A. engineer, 34 1-2 York av
Most Henry, confectioner, 119 Broadway, dw 47
Canton av
Moszner Chr. R shoemaker, 16 New
Mott Abraham G. agricultural imp. maker, 33 En-
sor. See card
Mott Jas. M. of Union Bink, dw Carey st. Franklin
Motter Henry, guager, 18 Josephine
MOTTU THEODORE, lumber merchant, 112
Pennsylvania av
Mouai Capt. James, 13 Broadway
Monder Adam, laborer, 184 Stirling
Monerer Leinhardt, shoemaker. 45 Albemarle
Moule Jacob, collector, Washington s of Pratt
MOULTON ARAMINTA M. milliner, 482 w
Moulton James F. tnt. tailor. 482 n Baltimore
Mount Hope Hospital, Gibson near Mosher
Mount Olivet Cemetery, office 12 Light
MOUNT VERNON CO. Wm. Kennedy, presi-
dent, 94 Lombard
Mouse Matthias, shoemaker, 159 n Eden
Moutray Edmd. grocer, 192 Lexinglon
Mowbray George W. firm Mortimer & M. dw 68
n Front
Mowbrav John, tailor, 228 Madison
MOWELL & HARRISON, proprietors cedar
point furnaces, Boston c ol Chesapeake
MOWELL PETER, dw Pratt e of Washington
Mower Henry, carpet weaver, 95 Low
Moxley Walter, tobacconist, 243 Broadway
Moxley Wm. tin & sheet iron worker, 74 1-2 Hano-
ver. See card
Moylen Dennis, 16 French
Moylen John, grocer, 121 Lexington
MOZINGO ALFRED S. ladies' boot and shoe
store, 260 n Gay
Muckelroy John, laborer, 37 Preston
Muckelroy John, butcher, Baltimore st e Chester
Mudge Abner B. firm Wheelwright & M. 45 Court-
Muhl Conrad, laborer, 17 Jew al
Muhl Conrad, drummer, 36 Marion
MUHL LEWIS B. proprietor Green House, 137
Muhlinghaus, Ferd. tailor, n e cor Howard and
Muir Hamilton, watchman, 142 Jefferson
Muir Jas. N. grocer and com. int. 90 Light st whf.
dw 54 Conway
Muir Uriah, carpenter, 124 Broadway
Muklane Benj. prop, whiskey distillery, Canton, dw
273 w Lombard
Mullally James, drayman, Etting near Townsend
Mulaney B. ship carpenter, Hudson st Canton
Mulany John, Clinton st Canton
Mulcahy Mary, seamstress, 103 Raborg
Mulcrone Patk. liquor dealer, 127 North
MULES ISAAC, house and sign painter, 259
Mules Samuel, of custom house, 17 Orchard
Mules Thos. H butcher, w limits Penn. av e side
Mules Thos. shoemaker, 176 Lex. dw 381 Franklin
Muley Everhart, cabinet maker, 67 Johnson
Mulgrew Michael, grocer, Harford av extended
Mulhare Catherine, Tripolett's alley