McDennon Bryan, dealer, Chester s of Bank
McDermot Charles, painter, 13 Grauby
MeDermot Elizabeth, seamstress, 9 Mercer
McDermot James, shoemaker, Etna lane
McDermot James, shoemaker, 97 n Fremont
McDerrnol John, cooper, 58 Philpot
McDermot Mary, 118 s High
McDermot Misses, teachers, 19 Broadway
McDermot Owen, laborer, 4 French
McDermot Thomas, laborer, 125 William
McDevitt Bernard, liquor dealer, 41 w Lombard
McDevitt Cornelius, liquor dealer, n w cor Centre
and Holliday
McDevitt John, gardener, 52 n Canal
McDevitt Susan, tavern, 8 McClellan
McDevitt Timothy, fruiter and confectioner, n Cal-
vert st nr Bank lane, dw 2 Davis st
McDonald Arthur, laborer, rear 23 s Canal
McDonald C. S. & Co. lottery and exchange office,
s e cor Baltimore st and Centre Market
McDonald Charles, tavern, 47 n Paca
McDonald Charles, laborer, 15 Harmony lane
McDonald David H. carpenter, 65 n Howard
McDonald Hugh, watchman, 359 Franklin
McDonald Hugh, laborer, 22 Schroeder
McDonald James, keeper Green Spring Hotel, 98 s
McDonald James, keeper refreshment saloon, 164
e Baltimore
McDONALD JAMES, proprietor eating house,
54 South
McDonald John, carter, 44 French
McDonald John, tailor, 13 May
McDonald John F. 48 n Liberty
McDonald John, shoemaker, 292 Mulberry
McDonald John, laborer, Andre st Locust Point
McDonald John, soap and candle manuf. Harford
av n of Biddle st
McDonald Lawrence, grocer, Paca st cor Carpen-
ter's al
McDonald Capt. Michael, mariner, Broadway s of
Baltimore st
McDonald Michael, grocer, Boston st Canton
McDonald Michael, laborer, Hudson st Canton
McDonald Michael, laborer, 21 New Church
McDonald Mr. furniture wagoner, Ann s of Bal-
McDonald Randal, machinist, Garden bet Hoffman
and Dolphin
McDonald Richard, carpenter. 7 McElderry
McDonald Robert, grocer, 65 Chew
McDonald Col. Samuel, merchant, dw 40 c Pratt
McDonald Swain, tailor, 239 n Howard
McDonald Wm. police officer, 357 Franklin
McDonald Wm. 8 s High
McDonnell Charles, flour dealer, 174 York av
McDonnell Col. huckster, 112 Dugan's wharf
McDonnell Owen, laborer, Castle al s of Pratt st
McDonnell Patrick, liquor dealer, 15 Foundry
McDonnell Richard, grocer, 129 Canton av, dw 131
McDonnough Thos. ship carpenter, Pleasant al w
of Castle al
McDonough James, laborer, 72 s Ann
McDonough Miles A. baker. 26 Liberty al
McDOUGALL & CLARKE, wholesale grocers
and commission merchants, 25 Cheapside
McDougall Jas. firm McD. & Clarke, dw 69 e Pratt
McDowell Andrew, Madison e of Caroline
McDowell Francis, merchant tailor, 202 w Pratt
McDOWELL & GABLE, importers carpets and
floor oil cloths, 264 Baltimore
McDowell James, clerk, n w cor Somerset & Chase
McDowell James, clerk, 253 n Howard
McDowell Maria, 27 Hamilton
McDowell Mary, tutoress, s e cor Saratoga and
McDowell Robt. firm McD. & Gable, 22 Pleasant
McDOWELL THOMAS, boot and shoemaker,
132 n Gay. See card
McDurmot Wm. T. attorney, 160 s Charles
McElden Caroline, gaiter binder, 878 w Baltimore
McElden David, saddler. L. Monum't nr St. Mary
McELDERRY HENRY, coal merchant, 91 w
Lombard st. yard West Falls av. dw 23 Aisquith
McELDERRY HUGH, lumber merchant, cor of
Exeter st and Canton av store 88 Light st wharf,
dw 72 n Calvert
McEldin Wm. speculator, 476 Lexington
McEldowny John, firm R. McE. & Co. dw 235
and dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods,
199 Baltimore, dw R. McE 262 Lexington
McEllister Robert, type founder, Monument e of
McElroy George W. prop, livery stables, 77 n Cal-
vert, dw 168 n High
McElroy James, bar keeper, 9 Hillen
McElroy James, trunk maker, 19 Comet
McElroy James, 145 Peirce
McElroy James, carpenter, cor German and Pine,
dw 433 w Lombard
McElroy John C. clerk, 311 n Howard
McElroy Mary, Silver bet Franklin and Mulberry