Johnson Samuel N. boiler maker, 2 L. Church
Johnson Samuel, laborer, n Fort road near Fort
Johnson Samuel, clerk, 352 Light
Johnson Samuel, shoemaker, 41 Henrietta
Johnson Sarah Jane, Broadway s of Monument
Johnson Solomon, omnibus driver, 44 George
Johnson & S:reet, grocers and feed dealers, 144 n
Johnson Susan, 41 Jefferson
Johnson Thomas M. firm J. & Wheeler, dw 115
Johnson Thomas, clerk, 102 s Caroline
Johnson Thomas M. firm Shultz & J. 130 s Paca
Johnson Thomas, shoemaker, 80 McElderry
Johnson Thomas, bricklayer, Eastern av w of Ches-
ter st
Johnson Capt. Thomas J. 11 Lancaster
Johnson & Travers, merchants, Exchange building
Johnson Washington, rigger, 88 Hamburg
Johnson & Wheeler, grocers and feed dealers, 140
n Gay
Johnson Wm. cigar maker, 137 s High
Johnson Wm. laborer, 175 s Caroline
Johnson Wm. T. boiler maker, Warner near Lee
Johnson Wm. H. hatter, 111 n Eutaw
Johnson Wm. shoemaker. Gough st e Castle al
JOHNSON WM. H, BALLARD, notary public,
45 Second, Exchange Buildings
Johnson Wm. H. boot & shoe maker, 92 Baltimore
Johnson Wm. O. stove smith, 75 n Eden.
Johnson Wm. T. boiler maker, Warner s Lee
Johnson Wm. boot and shoe maker. 88 n Gay .
Johnson Wm. M confectioner, 238 Broadway
Johnson Wm. Henry, dealer in cotton yarn and
domestic goods, 60 w Pratt, dw 172 German
Johnson Wm. pattern maker, 338 n Gay
Johnson Wilmot, 87 St. Paul
Johnston Archibald C. tailor, 4 n Paca
Johnston Catherine, 265 n Howard
Johnston Elizabeth, 17 s Howard
Johnston Fergus, weaver, 109 Peirce
Johnston George W. carpenter, 35 Hill
Johnston George W. chemist, 99 Aisquith, dw 110
Johnston Gilbert, mariner, 281 s Dallas
Johnston Dr. J. M. 7 s Frederick
Johnston James, carriage driver, 138 Saratoga
Johnston James, tobacco and segar store, 135 North
dw Saratoga
Johnston John, shoemaker, 117 e Pratt
Johnston John, ship carpenter, 151 Thames
Johnston John J. cabinet maker, dw 135 Monumen
Johnston Michael, carter, 311 e Monument
Johnston Richard L. moulder, 25 Granby
Johnston Robert, firm Moore & J. Saratoga near
JOHNSTON S. fancy dress maker, 370 w Lom-
Johnston Thomas, bricklayer, Eastern av w of
Chester st
Johnston Thomas, laborer, Granby e of Exeter
Johnston Wm. painter and glazier, basement s w
cor St. Paul and Fayette, dw 370 w Lombard
Johnston Wm. E. firemen in gas house, 79 Stirling
Johnston Wm. s w cor Granby and Albemarle
Johnston Wm. store keeper, 212 Hollins
Johnston Wm. furniture wagoner, 164 n Caroline
Joice & Baugher, wholesale dealers in boots, shoes,
hats, caps, &c. 318 Baltimore
Joice Elizabeth A. grocer, 155 Camden
Joice George, ship carpenter, 9 Williamson
Joice Stephen J. firm J. & Baugher, dw 240 w
Joice Wm. cooper, Madison e of Caroline
Joiner Wm. boiler maker, 18 Warren
Jolly John C. shoemaker, 253 e Monument
Jones Adrian, supervisor, 465 Saratoga
Jones Mrs. Alabama, 266 e Pratt
Jones Capt. Alexander, n e cor Pratt and Durham
Jones Alfred, painter, 153 Bank
Jones Ann, grocer, 80 Cross
Jones Benj. P. cooper, 212 e Monument
Jones Benj. bricklayer, 170 e Madison
Jones Benj. W. 39 s Bond
Jones Benj. carpenter, 101 Cross
Jones Bennett, blacksmith, 121 Bank
Jones Dr. Buckler, Biddles of Madison
Jones Caroline, fruit dealer, 46 Montgomery
Jones Caroline E. milliner, Canton av w Broadway
Jones Catherine, tailoress, Canal s of Pratt
Jones Charles, waterman, 205 Hanover
Jones Dr. Chas. H. n e cor Poppleton and Fayette
Jones Charles B. firm Brown. J. & Co. 100 s High
Jones Charlotte, seamstress, 99 Raborg
Jones Cordelia, 11 Comet
Jones David, clerk, 88 n Paca
Jones David, firm J. & Livingston, 17 Warren
Jones David, pudiler, n w cor Wills and Philpot
Jones Edward R. printer, 193 Orleans
Jones Edward, dairyman, York av n Eager st
Jones Elisha. waterman, 16 Cross
Jones Capt. Ezekiel, mariner, 114 s Exeter
Jones Ezekiel, mariner, 105 Granby
Jones Capt. George. Washington st n Eastern av
Jones George, fisher. 18 Cross