Hughes Hugh, engineer, 191 Furrest
Hughes Jacob, laborer, 122 Stirling
Hughes James, butcher, e Baltimore Prospect hill
Hughes James, laborer, 115 Jasper
Hughes James, cheese dealer, 132 Harford av
Hughes James, laborer, Erting near Townsend
Hughes James, carpenter, 3 L. Church
Hughes James, carpenter, Madison w Bond
Hughes James, coachman, 141 n Eutaw
HUGHES JAMES T. & CO. ladies' dress trim-
ming and variety store, 101 Baltimore, dw J. T.
H. Liberty near German
Hughes Jane, 94 Pine
Hughes John, laborer, 37 Richmond
Hughes John, cabinet maker and undertaker, 170
N Bond
Hughes Margaret, upholstress, 214 Raborg
Hughes Michl. carpenter, 19 Booth
Hughes Michl. laborer, 6 L. Paca
Hughes Morris, rope maker, Burk st Canton
Hughes Patrick, trader, se cor Orchard st and L.
Hughes Patrick, stone cutter, 90 French
Hughes Patrick, laborer, 4 Swan
Hughes Philip, grocer, 135 Conway
Hughes Robert, grocer, n w cor New and Eutaw
Hughes Rose, 74 Dover
Hughes Sarah, 415 w Lombard
Hughes Capt. Scott, 110 Gough
Hughes Susan W. dry goods dealer, 27 e Balti-
Hughes Thomas, of chemical factory, 157 Alice
HUGHES THOMAS L. & CO. hat & cap manu-
factures 34 Baltimore, See card
Hughes Wm. huckster, 114 McHenry
Hughes Wm. laborer, 30 May
Hughes Wm. H. superintendent B. & O. railroad
112 w Lombard
Hughes Wm. chair maker, 10 s Bund
Hugo George, harness maker, 185 Orleans
Huhn John, tobacconist, ,23 Harmony lane
Hught Mary, seamstress, 350 Light
Hulbert Joseph P. commission merchant, 102 Hiller
Huwert Matthias, laborer, 270 Alice Anna
Hull Ann, dress maker, 21 Hamilton
Hull George, ladies' shoemaker, 172 e Baltimore
Hull Robert, firm Hopkins & H. dw 61 n Charles
Hull Thornton, clerk, 35 s Eutaw
Hull Wm. collar maker, 42 Raborg
Hulligan Michl. laborer, 4 Addison
Hullit James, drayman, 254 Franklin
HULLS JOHN, dealer in paper hangings, oils,
paints and glass, 106 n Gay
Hulse James H. silk dyer, 123 Lexington
Hulse John, dyer, Holliday cur Saratoga
Hulse Wm blacksmith, 60s Eden
Hulseburg Fred, tavern, Cambridge st Canton.
Hulser Francis, laborer, 55 Eastern av
Hulls Robert, shoemaker, 467 Baltimore
Hulls Wm. P. cigar maker. 218 e Monument
Hultz Robert, ladies' shoemaker, 86 Pearl
Hultzman George, laborer, 218 s Bond
Hulz Apolonia, Eager st w of Canal
Hulz John F. upholsterer, Pennsylvania av near
Townsend st
Hulzman Henry, grocer, 121 Montgomery
Humane Impartial Society's shirt store, 4 s Gay,
Miss P. Lea, sup.
Humel Catherine, 15 Shakspear
Humes Thomas, sen. wholesale liquor dealer, 154
n High st
Humes Thomas, jr. dw 152 n High
Hummulzh Richard, organ and piano manufactur-
er, 174 e Pratt
Humpe Fredk. A. scale maker, 20 Balderston
Humphreys Edward, blacksmith, 800 w Baltimore
HUMPHREYS HENRY, restaurant, 6 Lovely
lane, dw 163Conway
Humphreys Hugh, keeper merchants' saloon, base-
ment Exchange buildings
Humphries Andrew, laborer, 44 G. Hughes
Humphries Richard, huckster, 8 Willow
HUMRICHOUS & BOYD, wholesale grocers, 20
Humrichouse Charles W of firm H. & Boyd, 109 e
Hunichen John, tinner, 274 n Gay
Hunt And. wheelwright, next no 2 Leadenhall
Hunt Bernard, laborer Cambridge st Canton
Hunt Erhelbert, commission merchant, 63 South,
dw 386 w Fayette
Hunt Elizabeth, 75 n Exeter
Hunt George R. of Susquehanna Rail Road, 145
Hunt German H. firm Poole & Hunt,dw 200 n Eutaw
Hunt Dr. Henry S. 236 Eastern av
Hunt Jesse, president Eutaw Savings Bank, 36 s
Hunt John tailor, Regester s Baltimore
Hunt John E. grocer, e Fayette cor Exeter
Hunt John, fish dealer, 14 French
Hunt Matthew W. blacksmith. 27 Buren
Hunt Patk. rail road watchman, 125 Columbia