Hill John, grocer and liquor dealer, 29 Short
Hill John, grocer, 2 Orleans
Hill John E (California) 172 e Monument
Hill John H. ladies' and gentlemen's shoemaker, 59
n Gay
Hill John H. clerk, 36 n Exeter
Hill John, straw bonnet and hat presser and bleach-
er, 14 McClellan
Hill Lewis H. dry goods dealer, 207 Hanover
Hill Mark, hat presser, 10 New Church
Hill Martha A. 16 Holland
Hill Park, tailor, 76 s Charles
HILL RICHARD, hat and bonnet bleacher and
presser 18 McClellan
Hill Capt. Robert M. 370 Lexington
Hill Samuel, ship carpenter, 96 Gough
Hill & Volandt, grocers, 9 w Pratt
Hill Wm. B. attorney, cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw
12 McElderry
Hill Wm. grocer and feed dealer, s w cor Bond and
Hill Wm. H. shop keeper, 2 Warren
Hill Wm. A. 158 Vine
Hill Wm. band box maker, 55 s Eutaw
Hill Wm. B. conveyancer, s w cor Fayette and St.
Hillen Charles, grocer, Cross e of Hanover
Hillen Henry, carpenter. 80 Harford av
Hillen Col. Solomon, Charles near Hamilton
Hiller File, laborer, 211 Easiern av
Hillard Benj. R. Thomsonian practioner, 210 Light
Hillgardner, George, laborer, 5 Shakspear
Hillipant Charles, carpenter, Boston st Canton
Hillman Augustus, carpenter, 240 1-2 n Canal
Hillman Charles, laborer, 111 n Spring
Hillman Henry, laborer Essex st Canton
Hillmyer Joseph, cooper, 159 French
Hillock Mary, n e cor Madison and Howard
Hillyard Benj. R. Thomsonian doctor, 210 Light
Hillyard Mary, 39 George
Hillyard Nelson, s e cor Pine and Josephirte
Hilse Conrad, 19 Shakspear
Hilt George, shoemaker, 60 Mulberry
Hilton Lydia, 65 Potter
Hilton Wm. painter 61 n Caroline
Hilton Wm. W. painter, 45 n Canal
Hilts Philip, laborer, 14 Shakspear
HILTZ C. W. painter, n w cor Baltimore and
North, dw 360 Monument
Hiltz Joseph, porter, 12 CoWpen al
Hiltz Wm. trader, rear 62 n Front
Hilway John, boiler maker. Dawson al
Hime John, laborer, 25 Shakspear
Hime John, Henry st
Himes Michl. laborer, 163 Alice Anna
Himmel Leopold, furniture dealer, 31 Harrison
Hincher Levenia, n e cor Hampstead arid Eden
Hinck Lewis, teacher, 90 Pine
Hinder Frederick, metalic roofer, 15 w Fayette
Hindes Michl. tailor, 18 Josephine
Hindes Moses G. 108 Sharp
Hindes Saml. hatter, 78 Gay n of bridge. See card
Hindle George, soap maker, Chatsworths Mulberry
Hindle James, of "Noah's Ark " 38 n Greene
Hindman Capt. Wm T. mariner, 8 Lee
Hindman Wm. navy agent, no 1 Western Row, Ex-
change place Lombard st
Hinds John, shoemaker, Dewberry al near Pratt st
Hinds Mary, 227 w Lombard
Hine Christopher, bricklayer. 232 Mulberry
Hine Michl. laborer,.303 s Charles
Hineker Lovina, milliner, 11 1-2 n Eden
Hiner George, grocer, 158 s Eutaw
Hiner Henry, 201 e Fayette
Hiner Samuel, butcher, 186 e Fayette
Hines Caleb, engineer, Washington st s of Bank
Hines Charles, carpenter, 110 William
Hines Eliza, dress maker, Paca place no 1 court
Hines George, brass finisher, 30 Stirling
Hines George, shoemaker, 96 Fremont
Hines James C. blacksmith, 412 Lombard
Hines John C. book and stationery dealer, 11 Bal-
timore st. dw 27 Jackson
Hines John, shoemaker, 241 s Bond
Hines John, carpenter, Paca place (court) no. 1
Hines Hon. Joshua H. judge Orphans' court, 517 w
Hines Margaret, widow, 28 Stirling
Hines Michl. laborer, Poppleton n of Ramsay
Hines Pat. laborer, Poppleton n of Ramsay
Hines Peter, grocer, 146 s Paca
Hingleman John, 1 Diamond
Hinkelman Andrew, merchant tailor, 106 n Howard
Hinkhaus Henry grogery, s w cor Ross and Paca
Hinkle Charles, laborer, s end Durst ale William st
Hinkle Christ. 25 Shakspear
Hinkle Jacob, laborer, 211 Eastern av
Hinkle John, carter, 103 Jefferson
Hinkle Martin, tavern, 130 e Madison
Hinkle Peter, box maker, 82 Barre
Hinkle Wm. keeper Fairmount garden, Broadway
s Fayette