The Department of Charities.
SECTION 1. The head of the Department of Charities shall
be the Board of State Aid and Charities, constituted and organ-
ized as at present, and having and exercising the rights, powers,
duties, obligations and functions now or hereafter conferred by
law. The Chairman of the said Board shall be known as the
Director of Charities.
SECTION 2. The Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium Com-
mission and the Pine Bluff Sanatorium, continuing under their
present forms of management, with the same rights, powers,
duties, obligations and functions, shall annually submit their
financial reports to the Department of Charities.
The Department of Health.
SECTION 1. The head of the Department of Health shall be
the State Board of Health, constituted and organized as at
present, except as hereinafter provided, and having and exer-
cising the rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions now
or hereafter conferred by law.
SECTION 2. On the taking effect of this Act, Section 1 of
Article 43 of the Annotated Code, title "Health, " sub-title
"State Board of Health, " shall be repealed and re-enacted with
amendments so as to read as follows:
It shall consist of eight members as follows: one shall be an
experienced civil engineer, another an experienced certified
pharmacist and four shall be experienced physicians, all to be
appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the
Senate; and the Governor shall designate one of the four ex-
perienced physicians as the Chairman; the remaining mem-
bers of the Board shall consist of the Attorney General of the
State and the Commissioner of Health of the City of Baltimore.
The persons so appointed by the Governor shall hold office for
four years, and shall be so classed by the Governor that the
term of office of two shall expire on the 31st day of March in
every second year; thereafter the Governor, with the advice and
consent of the Senate, shall bi-annually appoint two members
in the place of the two whose terms shall so expire. All vacan-
cies among said members occurring otherwise shall be filled by
the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.