1122 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [On. 490
30. The separate organizations in the City of Baltimore
known as the Veteran Corps of the Fifth Regiment, Infantry,
M. !N~. G., and Old Guard, M. N. G., respectively, shall be en-
titled to all rights and privileges conferred by this Article
except that said organizations shall not be entitled to the privi-
leges of retirement or to be placed on reserve list nor to wear
a uniform not distinctive from the active military forces of
the State; nor to share any appropriation made for the sup-
port of the militia, unless said organizations are called for
service by the Governor in case of emergency to aid the organ-
ized militia in quelling insurrection, invasion, riot or breach
of peace; when so called upon the members of said organiza-
tions shall first sign, execute and deliver through their com-
manding officers to the officer commanding the units of the
organized militia to whom ordered to report, a form of enlist-
ment to be prescribed by the Governor, for a term not to exceed
ninety days at one time, and if the services of such organiza-
tions shall not be required for the full term of their enlistment
they shall be discharged by the Governor. If called into the
service of the State, the members of said organizations shall be
equipped and paid by the State and shall, in so far as applica-
ble, be considered a part of the organized militia of the State.
31. ~No body of men other than the regularly organized
units of the militia and the troops of the United States, except
such military organizations as are now in existence, shall asso-
ciate themselves together as a military company or organiza-
tion or parade in public as a military company or organization,
in any city or town in this State, except by permission of the
~No armed military force from another State, Territory or
District, shall be permitted to enter the State for the purpose of
doing military duty therein, without the permission of the
Governor, unless such force is actually under the authority of
the War Department.
32. The Governor may, upon the recommendation of their
commanding officers, approved by the Ranking Line Officer,
confer brevet commissions upon officers of the organized militia
of a grade next higher than the regular commission held by
them. The Governor may also confer upon officers of the organ-
ized militia, brevet commissions of a grade equal to the highest
grade in which they previously served in the organized militia,
or in the Armv of the LTnited States. Brevet commissions shall