land in the several counties of this state for the purpose of laying the public assessment to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
XLV. AND, whereas large quantities of land to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in Alle-
gany county, have been granted, disposed of or sold, by the state to different persons, and in ma-
ny cases the persons to whom the same have been disposed of were vested with an estate in
fee-simple therein, without any patent therefor, in virtue of an a6t to dispose of the reserved
lands westward of Fort Cumberland, in Washington county, and to fulfil the engagements made
by this state to the officers and soldiers of the Maryland line in the service of the United States,
and sundry supplementary acts thereto, AND BE IT ENACTED, That all lands, granted, disposed
of or sold, in virtue of the said act and supplements thereto, shall be and they are hereby made
chargeable with any public tax or assessment, or county charge, that is or may hereafter be laid
or imposed, according to the respective value which shall be set upon any such lands in virtue of this
Lands made
chargeable, &c.
XLVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the register of the land-office shall, at the time of making
the list of land before directed, make out a list of all lands granted, disposed of or sold, in virtue of
any of the said acts, not heretofore returned, and deliver the same, directed to the commissioners
of the tax for Allegany county, sealed and endorsed as aforesaid, to the sheriff of Anne-Arundel
county, to be forwarded as aforesaid.
Register to
make out a list,
XLVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of the death of any collector appointed in virtue of
this act, and before the expiration of the time limitted by law for the collection of the levy, the
justices of the levy court of the said county, or a majority of them, shall, as soon after the death of
the said collector as shall be convenient, meet at the usual place of meeting, and appoint from
amongst the securities of such collector another collector, who shall give bond and security for the
collection of the levy not collected by the former collector, and take an oath in the same manner as
is herein before directed by the former collector; and in case of refusal, or if the collector appoint-
ed out of them doth not give bond as aforesaid, the said justices of the levy court, or a majority of
them, shall proceed to appoint a person, who shall give bond as aforesaid, and take the oath as be-
fore direcled, not confining their choice to the said securities; and the person appointed collector as
aforesaid shall have the same power and authority in the collection of the said levy, within the space
of one year from the time of giving bond as aforesaid, to collect said levy, as was vested in the first
collector, and he and his securities may be proceeded against for a breach of duty in the same man-
ner as against the first collector and his securities.
la case of
death, justices
may appoint,
XLVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and penalties created and imposed by this act, shall
and may be recovered in the name of the state, by indictment in the county court of the county
wherein the same shall accrue, and be applied, one half to the use of the informer, and the other
half to the use of the county; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such county to return annually
to the levy court a list of all fines and penalties imposed by virtue of this act.
Fines, &c, how
to be recover-
ed, &c.
XLIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners for the several counties and the city of
Baltimore, after the several assessors shall have made the valuation of the lots, and the improve-
ments thereon, in the several cities and towns, and their respective precincts, shall reduce the same
by application of the same ratio of reduction as shall have been applied by the several commissioners
to the lands and improvements in the several and respective counties.
Valuation may
be reduced, &c,
L. AND EE IT ENACTED, That all real property in Allegany county, although the same shall not
amount to ten pounds, shall be chargeable with any tax, assessment or charge, to be imposed in vir-
tue of this act, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.
Property made
chargeable, &c.
LI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the act passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
ninety-two, entitled, An act for the valuation of real and personal property within this state,
an act passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-three, entitled, An act to explain
an act, entitled, An act for the valuation of real and personal property within this state, passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-two, an act, entitled, A supplement to an act for
the valuation of real and personal property within this state, and an act directing returns to be made
to commissioners of the tax in the several counties of this state, and also an act, entitled, An act:
for the valuation of real and personal property within this state, passed at November session, seven-
teen hundred and ninety-seven, and the several supplements thereto, be and the same are hereby re-
Acts repealed