Volume 557, Page 842 View pdf image (33K) |
842 Command was Therfore Given to the sheerif of Kent County that he cause Twelve good and Lawfull men of his Bailiwick to come before this Court and Try the Issue Joyned as before which Jury are viz
Which jury being duely sworne to try the Issue Joyned as above Andrew Hambleton being sum as an Evidence on his Maj.ties behalfe being called to give in his Evidence refuseth to sweare and is by this Court Committed into the sheerif Custody Thomas Screws sworne Sam.l Tailor sworne And.w Hambleton now comes againe and is sworne with which being sworne according to forme which the Jury haveing Heard as allsoe the pleadings on both sides the Court give the jury their charge who withdraw and after some time doe returne who being called over as allsoe the sd W.m Hollingsworth the sd jury by their foreman doe say that the sd W.m Hollingsworth is not guilty as he stands indicted and so they said all Court Adjournes until Too Morrow Eight of y.e clock Wednesday Feb.ry the 16.th 1697 the same Court sitts againe p.rsent as before W.m Hollingsworth moves this Court that he may be cleared by Proclamacon which is accordingly performed and the the sd W.m Hollingsworth is Ordered to be discharged paying his Fees S Wilmer Clk |
Volume 557, Page 842 View pdf image (33K) |
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