the stock of the Baltimore and Frederick-town turnpike road company, and five thousand dollars in the stock of
the Baltimore and York-town turnpike road company, it will meet with our concurrence.
By order, T. ROGERS, clk.
The following resolution was read.
RESOLVED, That all interest which may hereafter accrue on the sum of one thousand pounds, loaned by the
state of Maryland to the trustees of Charlotte Hall school, in virtue of an act of assembly passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and two, be and the same shall hereby be released to the trustees aforesaid for the
benefit of the said school; and the treasurer of the western shore is hereby directed to endorse such release,
annually, on the bond heretofore lodged in the treasury for the payment of the cum to as aforesaid loaned.
And the question put, That the house assent to the same? Determined in the negative.
The following resolutions were read, assented to, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
RESOLVED, That the printer to the state be directed to prim five hundred copies of the act, entitled, A fur-
ther supplement to an act for regulating the mode of staying executions, and repealing the acts of assembly
therein mentioned.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested to forward five copies of the said bill to each member
of the legislature.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill to lay out and open a road in Anne-Arundel county from John
Crow's mill to Mary Pue's lane, endorsed, "will pass with the proposed amendments; " which amendments
were read, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed. Also the bill to abolish all such parts of the con-
stitution and form of government as relate to the time and manner of electing the senate, and the mode of fill-
ing up vacancies in that body, and the bill to lay out a road therein mentioned, severally endorsed, " will not
pass. " Also the resolutions in favour of the examiner-general, John Sullivan, and the resolution relative to the
contingent fund, severally endorsed, " assented to. " The resolution directing the executive to give notice so
as to ascertain the number of officers and soldiers of the Maryland line who are unprovided for, endorsed, " as-
sented to with the proposed amendments; " which amendments were read. And the engrossed bills No. 111,
112 and 116, severally endorsed, " read and assented to. "
The engrossed bill No. 116 was read, assented to, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
ORDERED, That the bill, entitled, An act to abolish all such pans of the constitution and form of govern-
ment as relate to the time and manner of electing the senate, and the mode of filling up vacancies in that body,
be published with the votes and proceedings of this house tor the information of the people.
The following resolution was read the first and second time by especial order.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to subscribe
for fourteen hundred shares in the Farmers Bank of Maryland, for twelve hundred shares in the Mechanics
Bank of Baltimore, for two hundred and fifty shares in the Baltimore and Frederick-town turnpike road stock,
for two hundred and fifty shares in the Baltimore and York town turnpike road stock, and to pay the amount of
the shares, so subscribed, to the president and managers of the respective companies.
And the question put, That the house assent to the same? Resolved in the affirmative. Which was sent to
the senate by the clerk. The house adjourns until 4 o'clock P. M.
THE house met.
The amendments proposed to the resolution relative to the officers and soldiers of the Maryland line were
read the second time, and the question put, That the house assent to the first amendment? The yeas and nays
being required, appeared as follow:
Merriken Harryman Brown Porter Sanders Willis Bland Bowles 15
Stansbury Randall Seth Boyle Davis R Steuart Gabby
Brice Grahame Stevens Frazier Hopper J H Thomas Young Hilleary
Hodges P Stuart Edmondson Herbert Hay ward Sappington Carroll M'Mahon
Belt Chapman Bayly Beall Wilson J Thomas Gaither Tomlinson
O Williams Dorsey Gale Muir Baer Hughlett S Thomas Reid 34
Ireland Parnham
So it was determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the house agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays being re-
quired, appeared as follow:
Stansbury Brown Seth Porter Sanders Davis R Steuart Bland
Brice Ireland Parnham Gale Boyle J H Thomas Young S Thomas
Hodges Grahame Randall Frazier Hopper Sappington Gabby Hilleary
Belt P Stuart Stevens Herbert Hayward J Thomas Bowles M'Mahon
O Williams Chapman Edmondson Beall Wilson Willis Carroll Tomlinson
Merriken Dorsey Bayly Muir Baer Hughlett Gaither Reid
So it was determined in the negative.