A petition from sundry inhabitant of Baltimore county, praying that the Windsor mill road may be extended
and kept in repair at the expense of those interested, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Stansbury, Mr.
Randall and Mr. Harryman, to consider and report thereon.
The house resumed the consideration of the supplement to the act to regulate and discipline the militia of this
state, which being read throughout, the, further consideration thereof was postponed, and the same ordered to
be printed.
Mr. Randall, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Jacob Walters, of Baltimore county, report, that they
have taken the same into their serious consideration, and are of opinion that the courts of justice are compe-
tent to grant the redress prayed for, and that the petitioner have leave to withdraw his petition.
By order, S. DAVIDSON, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
Mr. P. Stuart, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Robert Couden Stone, on behalf of himself and Eliza
Causin, Anne Stone and Thomas Stone, children of John H. Stone, Esquire, deceased, report, that they have
considered the same, and are of opinion that relief should be granted them agreeably to the following resolution,
which they submit.
Whereas ii is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Robert Couden Stone, on behalf of
himself, Eliza Causin, Anne Stone and Thomas Stone, children of John H. Stone, Esquire, late deceased, that
the said John H. Stone has paid into the treasury of the western shore the sum of thirteen hundred and sixty
pounds and two-pence halfpenny, for proclamation land warrants obtained under an act of assembly passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety five, chapter eighty-eight; and that by the operation of an act
of assembly passed at November session, eighteen hundred and four, chapter seventy-five, all the lands si as
aforesaid proclamated reverted to the state, in consequence of the said John H. Stone having failed to pay the
full composition required on the same, by a payment of which a title to the said land might have been secured
to himself or his children: And whereas the said petitioners having prayed that the sum of money so paid into
the treasury should be refunded, or some other relief granted as might seem reasonable and proper, so that they
might be benefitted by the payment aforesaid; and this general assembly, finding the facts to be therein correctly
stated, and willing to gratify the prayer of the said petitioners, so far as to grant to them land warrants in Al-
legany county to the amount of the sum so as aforesaid paid into the treasury as composition money on said land,
therefore, RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised
and directed to grant to the said Robert Couden Stone, Nathaniel P. Causin and Eliza Causin his wife, Anne
Stone and Thomas Stone, representatives of John H. Stone, Esquire, deceased, a warrant or warrants for ten
thousand eight hundred and eighty acres of land in Allegany county, upon the said Robert Couden Stone, Na-
thaniel P. Causin and Eliza his wife, Anne Stone and Thomas Stone, paying to the said register the fees of
office for the same.
By order, N. MARTIN, clk.
Which was read.
The house proceeded to the second reading of the supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a school
in Allegany county, by the name of Allegany County School, and, on motion, the question was put, That the blank
for a donation to said school be filled up with the words " three hundred dollars?" Determined in the negative.
The question was then put on " two hundred dollars. " The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Blakistone Grahame Parnham Seth Dennis Baer Tilghman M'Mahon
Hopewell P Stuart Stevens Bayly Beall J H Thomas Downey Tomlinson
Moffitt Chapman Edmondson Cottman Spencer Sappington S Thomas Reid 31
Reynolds Dorsey Kerr Frazier Bennett J Thomas Hilleary
Angier Belt Harryman Porter Wilson, Sanders Young Bowles
Brice O Williams Randall Veazey T N Williams Davis H Steuart Carroll
Welch Merriken Ennalls Boyle Forwood Bayard Bland Gaither
Hodges Stansbury Griffith Hayward Streett Hughlett Gabby Veatch 33
So it was determined in the negative.
The question was then put on " one hundred and fifty dollars. " The yeas and nays being required, appeared
as follow:
Blakistone Grahame Parnham Seth Dennis Bennett J Thomas Hilleary
Hopewell P Stuart Stevens Bayly Brail Baer, Tilghman M'Mahon
Moffitt Chapman Edmondson Cottman Spencer J H Thomas Downey Tomlinson
Reynold Dorsey Kerr Frazier Wilson Sappington S Thomas Reid 31
Angier Belt Harryman, Porter T N Williams Davis R Steuart Carroll
S Brice O Williams Randall Veazey Forwood Bayard Bland Gaither
Welch Merriken Ennalls Boyle Streett Hughlett Gabby Veatch 38
Hodge Stansbury Griffith Hayward Sanders Young Bowles
So it was reached in the affirmative