thirteen shillings and four-pence current money, it being the amount of a certificate issued by the auditor-gene-
ral of this state, and purchased by the said John Smith Brookes.
By order, D. L. JACOB, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order, and the question put, That the house concur
therewith, and assent to the resolution therein contained? Determined in the negative.
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the bill for the encourage-
ment of learning in this state, and the question put. That the same be referred to the next general assembly?
The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Blakistone, Ward, Muir, Dashiell, Kuhn, Davis, Jump, Schnebly,
Winder, Porter, Sturgis, Hawkins, Street, Bayard, R Steuart, Bruce,
Jackson, Moffit, Bishop, Waters, Forwood, Keene, Bowles, Rizer. 26.
King, Shaaff,
W. H Brown, Belt, Rennolds, M. Brown, Frazier, Hall, J. Brown, Selby,
Gardiner, Merriken, P. Stuart, Harryman, Dennis, Callis, Turpin, Darne,
Frisby, C. D. Hodges, Parnham, Kerr, Cox, Woodward, Aisquith, Briscoe,
Pearce, Blake, M'Pherson, Dickinson, Mitchell, Sudler, Carroll, Beall. 30.
Comegys, Emerson, Little, Martin, B. Hodges, Downes, Watts,
So it was determined in the negative.
On motion, That the following be inserted between the first and second clauses? viz. " And be it enacted,
That the treasurer of the western shore shall annually pay to the visitors and governors of St. John's college in
the state of Maryland, the sum of —— dollars, payable in semi-annual payments, " the question was put, That
the blank therein be filled up with the words " sixteen hundred?" Determined in the negative.
The question was then put on one thousand, and determined in the negative.
The question was then put on eight hundred. The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Merriken, Reynolds, Kerr, King, Dennis, Woodward, Carroll,
Gardiner, C. D. Hodges, P Stuart, Dickinson, Smoot, B. Hodges, Shaaff, Darne,
Blakistone, Blake, Parnham, Winder, Frazier, Hall, Muir, Bruce,
Frisby, Emerson, M'Pherson, Jackson, Ward, Callis, Sudler, Briscoe. 33.
Comegys, Martin, Mitchell, Bishop, Street, Keene, R. Steuart, 'Selby,
Little, Cox, Downes, Dashiell, Forwood, Jump, Bowles, Beall,
M. Brown, Porter,. J. Brown, Waters, Davis, Turpin, Schnebly, Rizer. 31.
Harryman, Moffit, Sturgis, Kuhn, Bayard, Aisquith, Watts,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The question was then put, That the house agree to the said amendment? Resolved in the affirmative. '""
On motion, the question was put, That the following be inserted after the preceding amendment? to wit: " And
be it enacted, That the sum of eight hundred dollars shall be paid by the treasurer of the western shore to the
order of the trustees hereafter named, to be applied by them to the payment of a teacher or teachers in an aca-
demy to be erected in Baltimore or Harford county, at such place as the said trustees may appoint. And be it
enacted, That James M'Culloch, Thomas Hellen, Tobias E. Stansbury, major Thomas Talbot, Moses Brown,
George Lucky, Hugh Whiteford, junior, Dr. Jacob Hall, Elijah Davis and John Moore, be and they are hereby
appointed trustees for the purpose of locating, erecting and superintending, the academy aforesaid, and it shall
be lawful for them, or a majority of them, so soon as the said academy shall be fit for the reception of scholars,
to draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the sum of eight hundred dollars annually, for the payment of
the teacher or teachers of said academy; and a majority of the trustees hereby appointed shall be competent to
perform any or all of the duties directed by this section. " The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Blakistone, Comegys, Harryman, Ward, Shaaff, Street, Davis, R. Steuart,
Frisby, Little, Jackson, Dennis, Muir, Forwood, Aisquith, Bruce. 21.
B Pearce, M. Brown, Smoot, Hall, Kuhn,
W. H. Brown, Blake, Kerr, Frazier, Woodward, Bishop, Jump, Watts,
Gardiner, Emerson Dickinson, Cox, Sudler, Dashiell, Turpin, Darne,
Belt, Reynolds, Martin, Mitchell, Downes, Hawkins, Bowles, Briscoe,
Merriken, Parnham, Winder, B. Hodges, J Brown, Bayard, Schnebly, Beall,
C. D. Hodges, M'Pherson, King, Callis, Sturgis, Keene, Carroll, Rizer. 40;
So it was determined in the negative.
On motion, the question was put, That the following be inserted after said amendment, to wit: " And be it
enacted. That the act, entitled, An act for the promotion of literature in this state, passed at November sessi-
on, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, be and the same is hereby repealed, " The yeas and nays being re-
quired, appeared as follow:
Pearce, M. Brown, Ward, Moffit, Dashiell, Davis, Turpin, Watts,
Comegys, Harryman, Cox,. Downes, Street, Bayard, R. Steuart, Selby. 23.
Little, Frazier, Porter, Bishop, Forwood, Jump, Schnebly,