Mr. Montgomery, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to amend and make
conveniently passable the public road leading from the lands of Mrs. Dennison to the upper ferry in the town
of Havre-de-Grace, in Harford county; which was read the first and second time by especial order and passed.
The bill to lay out and make a public road from William Pyles's saw-mill on Deer creek, in Harford county,
was read the second time and passed.
A petition from Margaret Black, of Kent county, praying that a law may pass authorising the judges of Kent
county court to issue a commission, upon the application of the petitioner, to divide the lands which descended
from her father, as well as the lands which were conveyed by her mother, equally amongst the parties entitled,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Scott, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Hurtt, to consider and report thereon.
ORDERED, That one thousand copies of the. act to provide for the trial of facts in the several counties of this
state, and to alter, change and abolish, all such parts of the constitution and form of government as relate to
the general court and court of appeals, together with the act to provide for the organization and regulation of
the courts of common law. in this state, and for the administration of justice therein, be printed, and that one
copy be forwarded to each of the chief judges and associate judges of the county courts, and one copy thereof
to each of the clerks of the former general court, one copy to the clerk of the former court of appeals,
and one copy thereof to each of the clerks of the county courts, and the residue for the use of the members of
this general assembly.
On motion, the question was put, That the bill to establish a chancery tribunal on the eastern shore of this
state, and to alter and abolish all such parts of the constitution and form of government of this state as are
repugnant thereto, be postponed until Tuesday next? Determined in the negative.
On motion, the question was put, That the further consideration of said bill be referred to the next general
assembly ? Determined in the negative.
The house proceeded to the second reading of the same; on progression, the question was put, That the
following be inserted after the 3d clause ? viz. " And be it enacted, That a person resident of said shore shall
be appointed register of the said tribunal, who shall hold his commission by the same tenure which clerks of
the several county courts of this state hold theirs under the constitution and form of government. " Resolved
in the affirmative.
The bill being read throughout, the question was put, Shall the said bill pass. ? The yeas and nays being re-
quired, appeared as follow:
Plater, Gale, Jackson, Frazier, Blake, Bishop, Bayard, Carroll,
Scott, Denny, Bayly, Ward, Sudler, Montgomery, Turpin, Watts,
Hanson, Lloyd, Cottman, Smoot, Gleaves, Ayres, Jump, Linthicum. 31.
Hurtt, Dickinson, Hyland, Moffit, Sturgis, Holbrook, Ellicott,
Neale, B. Mackall, Lemmon, Hall, Shaaff, Kuhn, Bowles, Bruce,
Merriken, Somervell, Porter, Callis, Waters, Forwood, Smith, Tomlinson,
Dorsey, Parnham, Van-Horn, Muir, Cockey, Stephen, Yates, Rizer. 26.
Higgins, M'Pherson,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill for the relief of Rich-ard Gittings and Lambert Smith, of Baltimore
county, insolvent debtors, the bill to lay out, open and clear, a road in Harford county, from a place known by
the name of Darlington, to intersect the road leading from Belle-Air to Havre-de-Grace, the supplement lo the
act, entitled, An act to lay out and make a public road from the Black-house, in Harford county, to intersect
the Pennsylvania line, the bill for the benefit of Robert Williams, a free black man, and of his wife and chil-
dren, and the bill to lay out and streighten a certain road in Baltimore county, severally endorsed, " will pass. "'
Ordered to be engrossed. And the bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to assess
and levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned, endorsed, " will not pass. "
The house adjourns until Monday morning 9 o'clock.
MONDAY, January 13, '1806.
THE house met. Present the same members as on Saturday. The proceedings of Saturday were read.
The bill to lay out and make a public road from William Pyles's saw-mill on Duer creek, in Harford county,
the bill to amend and make conveniently passable the public road leading from the lands of Mrs. Dennison to
the upper ferry in the town of Havre-de-Grace, in Harford county, the bill for draining part of a branch, called
Old-town Branch, lying in the upper part of Caroline county, the bill to change the place of holding elections
in the fourth election district of Montgomery county, and the bill to establish a chancery tribunal on the eas-
tern shore of this state, and to alter and abolish all such parts of the constitution and form of government of
this state as are repugnant thereto, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from John Gill, of the city of Baltimore, praying an act of insolvency, was preferred, read, and
referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
A memorial from John Kilty, of the city of Annapolis, praying that some person may be authorised to
subscribe, on behalf of the state, for a certain number of copies of the work now preparing by him relative to