Persons incorpo-
Section 1. Be it enacted by Die General Assembly of
Maryland, That William W. Johnson, John Dennis, John
J. Davis, James Polk, George Handy, John Woolford,
M.D. Littleton D. Teackle, William W. Handy, William
Williams, William Roach, Littleton U. Dennis, Levin
Handy, Isaac D. Jones, Alexander H. Handy, John W.
Chrisfield, Henry K Long, George M. Willing, Littleton
Long, John S. Zieber, Mathias Miles, William L. McCor-
mick, William Miles of Samuel, Littleton Harris, George
Dashiell, Arnold E. Jones, Henry H. Riggin, M.D., Nehe-
miah Pollitt, William L. Jones, M. D., Joseph Barclay,
William T. G. Polk, Levin Miller, James Brittingham,
Samuel K. Handy, M. D., Samuel W. Jones, Alexander
Jones, Thomas D. Jones, M.D., William Dix, Robert
Trernmells, Henry Hyland, M. D., Thomas Barbon, Wil-
liam Coston, Thomas King Carroll, John Rider, George
Davy, Daniel Ballard, Willinm H. Waters, Robert R. Bal-
lard, M.D., Richard E. Waters, Nehemiah Walston, John
Waters, Thomas J. Waters, John P. Gale, Wm. Dorsey,
Henry P. C. Wilson, George D. Waters, Jcsse Hughes,
James Denson, Marcellus Jones, Benjamin J. Jones, Philip
Covington, John Hopkins, Samuel White, George Riall,
Thomas B. Robertson, Alexander Donoho, William Do-
noho, James Donoho, Robert Stewart, Mathias Dashiell,
George E.R.J. Callier, Benjamin Dashicll, Teackle Town-
send, John M. Hall, Benjamin Bailey, Nathaniel Bell, Ro-
bert Bell, Theodore G. Dashiell, John S. Handy, Thomas
Marshall, Henry S. Handy, Thomas G. Beauchamp, Wil-
liam Roach, jr., Henry Lankforcl, Littleton D. Maddux,
John U. Turpin, Whitty T. Fontaine, Benjamin M'Cready,
Henry Ward, William T. Wood, William Sudler, Stephen
Ward, Morris H. Adams, James Lavson, Isaac Beau-
champ, Southey Whittington, Edward K. Dorsey, Robert
Davy, Gilbert Melbourne, Stephen Horsey, Seth Wilkins,
Isaac H. Coulbourne, John W. King, M.D., Lodowick J.
Milbourne, Elisha Gunby, Robert W. Swann, Burton
Cannon, Joseph Richards, Peter Gillet, Levin Pallitt, John
Fleming, Whittington Polk, Hancock Shreves, James
Powell, John W. B. Parsons, James Whitelock, Henry
Newman, Isaac Newman, Robert Patterson, James Phebus,
William Smith, Gabriel Webster, Samuel Ford, Travers