CHAP. 96.
Passed Feb.23,1833
An act to Incorporate the South Baltimore Company*
Persons incorpora-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland,That Thomas H. Carroll, William P. Dunning-'
ton, Richard Caton, Evan T. Ellicott, William Krebs, and
John Berry, and all and every other person or persons
hereafter becoming members of "the South Baltimore
Company," in the manner hereinafter mentioned, their
successors and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby crea-
Style and title.
ted and made a corporation and body politic, by the name
and style of "The South Baltimore Company," and by
that name shall and may have continuous succession, and
Corporate powers.
be capable in law of purchasing, holding, improving, and
disposing of property, real, personal or mixed, to the ex-
tent, in tie manner, and for the purposes herein authorized;
and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, ans-
wer and defend, be answered and defended in all courts of
law and equity; and may receive and make all deeds, trans-
fers, covenants, conveyances, grants, contracts, agreements,
and bargains whatsoever, necessary for the said purposes,
and may have and use a common seal, which they shall
have power to alter or renew at pleasure; and generally may
do every other act or thing necessary to carry into effect .
the provisions of this act, and promote the objects and de-
signs of said company as authorised by this act; Provided,
that nothing herein contained shall authorise said compa-
ny to hold more than one thousand acres of land at any
one time; and the - authority to hold land shall not be so
construed as to authorise said company to hold or pur-
chase lands in any other part of this State, except Balti-
more City and County.
Commissioners to
receive subscrip-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Thomas H.
Carroll, William P. Dunnington, Richard Caton, Evan T.
Ellieott, William Krebs and John Berry, or a majority of
Capital stock.
them, may receive subscriptions from time to time to the
capital stock of the said Company, in shares of fifty dol-
lars each, to any amount not exceeding ten thousand
shares, and for the purpose of obtaining any such sub-
scriptions, they shall give at least ten days public notice
by advertisement in two or more newspapers in the city of
Baltimore, of the time, place, number of shares, and terms
of subscribing, and every person or corporation who shall
become a holder, .or entitled to one or more shares of the
said stock, shall thereupon become a member of "The