Chrismers Jos. A. h tand cap dealer, 456
w Baltimore
Christ Jacob, grocer and liquor dealer, 344
Christhilf George H. cooper, 32 Pearl
Christhilf Henry, cooper 67s Oregon
Christian Richard, grocery, 281 Eastern av:
Christie Edward G. bookeeper. Franklin
bank, 322 Saratoga
Christianah Johana, 203 Light
Christian Tobias, musician, 123 Pleasant
Christie Charles, engineer, 4 Hill
Christ Church, (Episcopal,) corner of Gay
and Fayette
Christ Church Asylum for female children
25 Garden
Christ E. tobacconist, 27 Elizabeth al
hotel, 49 Thames
Christman Abraham, (C. & Wellington,)
49 Thames
Christopher Catherine, 340 e Pratt
Christopher Joseph, watchman, 182 Raborg
Christopher Josiah, pattern maker, 210 n
Christopher Michael, 477 w Pratt
Christopher Virginia, 86 North
Christopher Wm. clerk, 240 Saratoga.
Christopher Zachariah, clerk,189 Broadw'y
Christy Henry, 66 Union
Christy Michael, laborer, 83 Union
Chrystal John, grocer, 226 n Gay
Chu'nn Dr. James T. 242 w Fayette
Chunk Ellen 9 French
Church Ann M. female academy, 320 w
Church of the Holy Innocents, (Episcopal)
cor Chase and Eden
Church of Ascension, (Prot. Epis.) Lex-
ington near Pine
Church of the Immaculate Conception,
cor Ross and Mosher
Church Edward J. lumber dealer, cor Ais-
quith and Monument, dw 218 Aisquith
Church Home Society, 275 Biddle
Church James A. trader, 3 n Caroline
Church Jas. bricklayer, 342 e Lombard
Church John J. engineer, 487 w Lombard
Church Mrs. T. 132 w Pavette
Church Thos. butcher, 17 Stirling
Church Wm. watchman, 10 Stirling
Churchill Lorey, silver plater, 277 n Eutaw
Cillee John, laborer, 5 House's ct
Ciller Michael, nailmaker, 35 Block
Cinret Adam, machinist, 192 Columbia
CINNAMOND GEO. R. conveyancer and
att'y, 8 Law buildings, dw 287 w Fayette
Cinnamond Morehead, conveyancer, 250 n
Cinnamond John, cabinetmaker, 3 New
Circle Henry, ship carp. 91 Regester
Circle John, laborer, 38 Lancaster
Circuit Court, Baltimore County Court
House, 2nd floor
Circuit Court. Baltimore Co. FI.M.Fitz-
hugh, clerk. offi. Record office
Circuit Court, Baltimore City, Law build-
ings, 35 Lexington,Wm. G. Krebs, judge:
Wm. H. H. Turner, clerk
Ciselburger Martin, well digger, 64 Rich-
City Commissioner's, office City Hall, 2nd
Citizens' Bank, 234 w Pratt. [See Appendix]
City Hall, Holiday st. btw Fayette and
Saratoga, in which are the Mayor's office,
City Collector's, Register's, Commission-
er's, Auditors' Appeal Tax Court, Health
offices, and chambers 1st and2d branches
City Council
Ciiy Spring, n Calvert, near Saratoga
City Wharf, city dock, w side of Lancaster
City Yard, foot of President
Cla'baugh Henry. 9^ Sharp
Clabaugh Wm.'H. Fountain hotel. 5 Light
Clabaugh W. H. 98 Sharp
Claburg Hannah, grocery, 29 Hillen
Ciackner Capt. Joseph, inspector, dw 7
Clakner Elizabeth, 32 n Eden
Ciackner Geo. W. clerk, 7 Aisquith
Ciackner James B. clerk, 9 Aisquith
Claggett John, (Wm. C. & Co.) 255 w
Claggett Thomas J. clerk, 56 e Fayette
Claggett Thomas, 139 e Lombard
Classrett Lewis H. clerk steamb't Belvidere,
56 e Favetle
CLAGGETT WM. & CO. brewers, e
Lombard, adjoining Falls
Clag^et Capt. Wm. mariner, 56 e Fayette
Clampitt Elias, (C. & Regester,) 202 Sara-
Clampilt & Regester, brass & bell founders
53 Holliday
Clapp Ann, 140 n High
Clapp C. W. (R. M. Janney & Co.) 51 Lex-
Clapp Geo. C. hatter, Hillen near Exeter,
dw 6 Jefferson
Clapsaddle Francis, blacksmith, 100 Center
Clare Thos. J. 366 Hollins
Clarey Aaron, carp. 244 Aisquith
Claridge Jas. R. clerk, 5 Aisquith
Claridge John H. tinner, 205 e Baltimore
Claridge Lloyd, painter, 148 Burgundy al
Clark Albert H. newsman, 400 Saratoga
Clark Anthony, grocer, 237 Gough
Clark Benj. shoemaker, 158 Vine
Clark Benj. J. clerk Center mar. 121 n Bond
Clark Bernard, (C.& Brown,) 159 n Exeter
Clark & Brown, carps. 17 Pleasant
Clark Chas. H. (C. Luckett & Lee,) cor
Madison and Biddle
Clark Cain, shoemaker, 54 Henrietta
Clark Charles, pilot, 8 Fell
Clark Charlotte, tavern, 2 e Lombard
Clark Daniel H. shoemaker, 6 Orleans
Clark Edward, L (Latta & C.) 83 e Pratt
Clark Elizabeth, 441 Lexington
Clark Elizabeth, 311 Franklin
CLARK GABRIEL D. imp. watches and
fine jewelry, cor Calvert and Water, dw
cor Monument and Hargrove al
Clark Geoge T. dealer in glass, oils, and
paints, 173 w Pratt, dw 33 n Exeter
Clark Gustavus, 10S Dolphin
Clark Harriet, 51s Exeter
j Clark Henrv. clerk, 177 w Baltimore