Faxon Eben, over corner South and Second
Harris Simuel. 141 w Fayette
Holman John H. 79 Second
Husband John J 1 North
Long Louis L. over cor South and Water
Lind & Murrlock, 6 Law buildings
Neilson James C. 80 w Fayette
Reasin William H. Sun building
Rembey George W 143 w Baltimore
Starkwether N. G. 30 Law buildings
Wall Jacob, 21 Saratoga
Artifcial Flowers.
Aumerle F. over 131 w Baltimore
Ronsse F. over 131 w Baltimore
Staffiner 74 w Baltimore
Young Sarah, 235 w Baltimore
Battee John O 2 n Poppleton
Brown William, 47 n Howard
Carvalho S. N. 35 s High
Getz Charles S. 109 n Calvert
Harley James K. over 2 14 w Baltimore
Kelt Emel, 54 n Liberty
Kohn Julius, over 65 Second
McCann Henry G. 60 Gough
Miller A. J. 3 Carroll Hall
Newell Hugh, 38 w Favette
Volkmer Charles, R n Frederick
Wellmore Edward, 160 Mulberry
Woodward D. A. 49 1/2 w Baltimore
Artist's Materials.
Dodge George R. & Co. 42 w Baltimore
Wisong William A. 2 n Liberty
Adreon William & Co. 22 s Charles
Bennett F. W. & Co. 23 and 30 s Charles
Cannon & Matthews, 42 and 44 s Charles
Chance & Green, 98 and 100 w Baltimore
Clark Lewis, corner Eutaw and Lexington
Gibson & Co. 7 n Charles
Govet Samuel H. 9 South
Hamilton William, 177 w Pratt
Harrison George L. 6 O'Donnell's wharf
Hoffmans & Co. 8 n Charles
Kettlewell & Fell. 116 n Greene
Lemmon & Brigden, 60 Buchanan's wharf
Matlhews & Co. cor. Eutaw and Lexington
Soper S. S. & Co. 26 s Charles
Taylor & Gardner, 6 and 8 German
Arnold Geo. W 118 w Fayette
Arthur Henry, 41 Second and 53 n Eutaw
Babb John D. 68 s Charles
Baker Joseph, 135 s High
Beatty Wm H. 4 O'Domnell's whf
Gilmore Jas. D. 243 w Pratt
Jenks Jane, 58 e Fayette
Lagenfeld Then. 176 Hanover
Lincoln E 236 Saratoga
Mason Jas. D. & Co. 133 McElderry's whf
Mason Richard, 141 McElderry's whf
Peters L M.91 Thames
Sloan Hugh, 125 n Front
Tyler & Bro. 49 w Pratt
Band and Paper Boxes.
Marlin Mrs. Frances, over 174 w Pratt
Turner T. V. 99 n Schmeder
Weaver Levi.216 w Baltimore
Wanderling G. 103 w Baltimore
Appleton & Co. 214 w Baltimore
Brown Alexander & Sons. 162 w Baltimore
Brown, Brothers & Co. 162 w Baltimore
Gittings Jno. L. is. Co. cor. South & Second
Gover, Reese & Co. 208 w Baltimore
Harris Samuel & Sons, 193 w Baltimore
Johnston, Bros. &. Co. 19R w Baltimore
Lee Josiah & Co. n ecor. Calvert and Balto.
McKim & Co. 176 w Baltimore
Nicholson J. J. & Bro. 1 Sharp
Bell Pounders.
Baker, Holmes & Brown, 13 e Pratt
Clampitt & Register, 53 Holiday
Peters Wm. 10 w Pratt
Adam John, 23 Hillen
Ahrens T. 3 House's court
Bamburger Jas. A. 302 Aliceanna
Birslow Joshua, 48 n Paca
Belbin Wm. Flannigan's whf
Betz Andrew. 5S Chatsworth
Brandey & Moonev, 138 Camden
Clantice Geo. 151 Penn. av
Cottingham Thos. 3R Grant
Devalin Hugh, 89 Harrison
Drnste John H. 198 Hanover
Fuller Philip, 12 East Falls av
Gibbon Franklin, 18 East Falls av
Haslup Rezin, 57 North
Keenan James, 84 Holiday
Knight Michael, 551 w Baltimore
Lawder Wm. 23 McClellan
Lee Charles, 412 w Baltimore
Metree C. A. & W. H. 113 w Lombard
Marker Andrew, 178 Saratoga
Pagels E. &G. H. cor. Saratoga and Jasper
Riley Barney, 27 Balderston
Roberts J. J. 15 Lancaster
Schroeder A. 6 Thames
Singer H. J. 73 Lancaster
Slack Charls, 108 Cathedral
Srine F. Caroline near Block-
Verges L. 45 Lancaster
Wickes John, 1 and 3 e Pratt
Block and Pump Makers.
Bandell J. L. 97 McElderry's whf
Bians & Perry, foot of Cross
Cathcart Robt. & W. H. 115 Smith's whf
Delano Wm. H. 4 L. Gough
Freeman m. P. 16 Thames